I have offered my feedback to w3w along these lines too.
It has already gained significant public adoption and the mobile phone app is still free to use. Delivery companies have started to adopt the system and all the emergency services in the UK are using it.
Original Message:
Sent: 10-25-2024 04:23
From: Tom Parker
Subject: MapInfo Monday: What3words feature to update a table with the W3W Address
They're also removing the convert to what3words feature on 25th November (i.e click map to get w3w or update table from centroids function), so the free API will have no functionality other than AutoSuggest which is for web forms.
I suspect it will reduce take-up as adding a cost barrier (even an insignificant one) means you can't even test whether it's worth using. However, I'm still not convinced we should be encouraging a proprietary reference system. If we're to have a user friendly geo 'hashtag' it should be one adopted by the OGC.
Tom Parker
GIS Officer
Cambridgeshire County Council
Original Message:
Sent: 10-24-2024 06:28
From: John Ievers
Subject: MapInfo Monday: What3words feature to update a table with the W3W Address
Update on the What3Words tool:
As of 1st August 2024, the what3words Free API plan no longer offers the ability to make convert-to-coordinate requests (the function that enables you to search what3words addresses and convert them to their equivalent GPS coordinates).
I have also found that my >Search for Address does not work - I believe as part of this upgrade in API usage terms. The API terms may be different for personal use on your mobile phone...
In the UK, if you would like to continue using this feature, you can upgrade to one of their paid API plans (starting from £7.99/month). Just go to the https://what3words.com/ to sign-up for a plan - your API key will not change as part of this update.
I wonder if that will affect usage much??
John Ievers
CDR Group Limited
Hope Valley, United Kingdom
Original Message:
Sent: 10-24-2024 06:19
From: John Ievers
Subject: MapInfo Monday: What3words feature to update a table with the W3W Address
Hi Jason
Sorry I missed your post in the summer hols...
W3W do not share the grid without money changing hands!
John Ievers
CDR Group Limited
Hope Valley, United Kingdom
Original Message:
Sent: 06-07-2024 01:00
From: Jason Hemingway
Subject: MapInfo Monday: What3words feature to update a table with the W3W Address
Can we display the grid in mapinfo?
Can W3W be used in Spectrum stack?
Jason Hemingway
Coordinator Spatial & Asset Services
Information Services
Cassowary Coast Regional Council
Original Message:
Sent: 05-30-2024 06:15
From: John Ievers
Subject: MapInfo Monday: What3words feature to update a table with the W3W Address
Just had a notification from w3w: As of 1st August 2024, this function will not be part of the free API usage.
If you would like to continue to make use of this feature, you can upgrade to one of the w3w paid API plans (starting from £7.99/month).
John Ievers
CDR Group Limited
Hope Valley, United Kingdom
Original Message:
Sent: 02-21-2024 02:03
From: Peter Møller
Subject: MapInfo Monday: What3words feature to update a table with the W3W Address
Hi John
This is a pretty cool use case for the what3words add-in.
I think you can skip the step where you save your table into Lat/Long WGS84. You should be able to just set the session coordsys to this instead:
Set CoordSys Earth Projection 1, 104
Update Addresses
Set W3W = WGS84ToWhat3words(CentroidX(obj), CentroidY(obj))
Thanks for sharing, John
Peter Horsbøll Møller
Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
Precisely | Trust in Data
Original Message:
Sent: 02-12-2024 03:08
From: John Ievers
Subject: MapInfo Monday: What3words feature to update a table with the W3W Address
I've been supporting a number of clients using the What3Words tool in MapInfo lately and @Peter Møller asked me to submit this week's article.
A previous MapInfo Monday has covered the installation and set-up of the What3words tool for MapInfo. The tool is available to install via the MapInfo MarketPlace directly within MapInfo Pro (just make sure you have registered for the MapInfo Services under the Pro tab).
The tool allows you to click anywhere on the map and retrieve the w3w reference and also to enter a w3w address to locate it on your map. The Help page is here:
John Ievers
CDR Group Limited
Hope Valley, United Kingdom