Hi Raphael
If the tool doesn't remove the smaller areas from the larger areas I'd think this is a bug.
Keep in mind that the "Remove Overlapping" is for the same input point. The regions might still overlap across different input points.
Here's an example.
I have created two drivetime zones around two locations.
I have selected the larger zone from the most Western location.
Notice how the larger zone doesn't include the smaller zone in the middle.
But also notice how it overlaps the larger zone from the Eastern location
Peter Horsbøll Møller
Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
Precisely | Trust in Data
Original Message:
Sent: 09-22-2022 16:44
From: Raphael Parent
Subject: Mapinfo Drivetime tool overlapping region not working as intended
Hey guys,
I was trying to create trade areas with the Drive Distance/Time tool in Mapinfo v21 and when testing the overlapping regions option, I found out that choosing activated/desactivated would not change the result. I would really need the regions to not overlap.
Is it a bug or am I not using the tool right?
Thanks for your help
Raphael Parent
Korem Geospatial Software & Data
Quebec QC