I'm working on automating the process of creating a raster (MRR) files from txt bathymetry file
We are using Minimum Curvature method, cell as parameter units, and setting cell size manually, please see attachment
While I'm getting a result similar to one produced by using the standard MapInfo UI, some resulting raster details are slightly different, in a way that makes it unusable.
My goal is to set the processing parameters in the code to match exactly the processing by standard MapInfo UI
Some properties which DO match:
Current Projection
Raster Size
File Extension
File Format
File Driver
Here are examples of parameters which DO NOT match between the raster produced by standard MapInfo UI and by my C# code:
Cell size ( X and Y)
Spatial Bounds
Base Level Tile Size (Hight and Width)
World Origin ( X and Y)
As for "Cell Size X" and "Cell Size Y" , the Raster Info for the MapInfo UI produced MRR has nominal size set in the "Cell Size" interpolation window, but the MRR produced by my C# code has it slightly different ( by much less than 1%).
Same goes to "Spatial Bounds", "World Origin X" and "World Origin Y": they are very close but different by ~0.5 meter (raster covers ~20 km)
As for "Base Level Tile Size" it's 1024 for standard MapInfo UI generate files, and 256 for automated processing
I'd like to know how to set programmatically those (and may be other) parameters to match the standard MapInfo processing.
I suspect that the spatial Bounds and World Origin is most important for me
We're using MapInfo Pro Version 2021.1, Release built 25
References in C# project: MapInfoRasterEngin.Common, MapInfo.RasterEngine.Operations
Runtime Version v4.0.30319
Any help will be appreciated!
Thank you in advance
igor Umansky
Knowledge Community Shared Account
Shelton ON