Hi Maria,
Are running Spectrum/SSA v2020.1?
My understanding is that the EPSG7844 projection is not supported in SSA v2020.1 but EPSG7842 is. Precisely support confirmed to me that EPSG7844 and EPSG7842 are essentially the same.
In order to resolve this issue you can edit the named map via webdav to change the EPSG code reference from 7844 to 7842 then the map should display.
To access the spectrum spatial repository files via the backend you need to use the winSCP application. Further details below
https://customer.precisely.com/s/article/Accessing-XML-files-in-Spectrum-Spatial-repository?language=en_USPrecisely support mentioned to me that this issue is resolved in the latest release of Spectrum Spatial - v2022.1.
Let me know if you need further assistance.
Matt Smith
The Spatial Distillery
Sydney NSW
Original Message:
Sent: 06-15-2022 20:40
From: Maria Sousa
Subject: Map Uploader Error with GDA 2020
Anyone come across this error while uploading a layer with thematics to Spectrum Spatial, using the Map Uploader? The Tab file coord system is GDA2020 epsg:7844, so I'm a bit confused as to why it's not recognising it? Could it be a units problem, since Spectrum reads the coord systems as epsg:7842?

Maria Sousa
Bella Vista NSW