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Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?

  • 1.  Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?

    Posted 04-26-2024 02:40

    Is there a way to create a script that update Customer Text by ID?

    For example data in below table, I have to update Customer Text for TG20 and TG25. But there are many Text Id in the BP Customer. How will the script be created?

    TextID Customer Text
    TG20 New text1
    TG25 New text2

    Best Regards,

  • 2.  RE: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?

    Posted 05-01-2024 19:59

    Hi Nart

    You could use the Long Text handling that comes with having the Function Module installed in SAP for the standard long texts - documentation link:

    I have an update script for BP Sales area, and on the MAP tab I can select to Add Long Text on the ribbon under Advanced Features, like this:

    Simple chose the long text(s) you want to work with.  It will add a set of fields for each long text you pick, like this for Marketing Note

    You can pass in the language code, along with the long text - upload or download, plus mapping the BP number (or customer number in case it's different).

    Note that to use this feature, the BP must exist already.

    Hope this helps,


    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.

  • 3.  RE: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?

    Posted 05-01-2024 22:14

    Hi Sigrid,

    1.Could you please share the script that you are using?

    2.Are you using 'BP' Transaction code when recording?

    Best Regards,

  • 4.  RE: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?

    Posted 05-02-2024 16:58

    Hi Nart

    It's one of the BP example scripts I have to update (or create) sales area data for BP here:

    As long as you have the Function Module installed, you should be able to leverage the Add Long Text feature on the Map tab

     Best Regards,


    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.

  • 5.  RE: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?

    Posted 05-02-2024 21:33

    Hi Sigrid,

    I have downloaded the template that you mentioned.

    When I press 'Add Long Text' it shows below error. Do you know what is causing this?

    Best Regards,

  • 6.  RE: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?

    Posted 05-06-2024 15:37
    Edited by Sigrid Kok 7 days ago

    Hi Nart

    The SAP system should have the function module installed.  

    Here's a support article where you can check the version installed, if any:

    In my system I have this version:

    As part of the Function Module - these tables, which are partially responsible for support long text

    • in SM30 you can see /WINSHTLQ/LTXMAP
      • and
    • and this entry in /WINSHTLQ/MANDTX

    If you do have a fairly recent version of the Function Module installed, you might need to contact your Basis team to view/maintain the tables above.

    If you don't have the Function Module installed, we recommend you do so.

    Best Regards,


    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.

  • 7.  RE: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?

    Posted 05-07-2024 01:31

    Hi Sigrid,

    I am using S4 HANA. When I clicked 'Status', there is only this screen showing.

    Do you have a guide to check for S4 HANA? The current guide is for ECC.

    Best Regards,

  • 8.  RE: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?

    Posted 05-07-2024 12:25

    Hi Nart

    In S4 it's only slightly different from ECC - it's still System - Status

    Then look at the details with the magnifying glass

    There you should scroll to the bottom and see the Function Module version.  

    If you cannot, I suggest you check with your Basis team to see if it's installed.

    Best Regards,


    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.

  • 9.  RE: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?

    Posted 05-07-2024 23:01

    Hi Sigrid,

    When clicking 'Status', only below screen is shown.

    To summarize, in order to be able to use 'Add Long Text' function:

    1.I need to able to view 'BUT000' table

    2.I need to have How to check SAP Basis, Kernel Information or Winshuttle Function Module versions ( module

    Could you please confirm.

    Best Regards,

  • 10.  RE: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?

    Posted 05-08-2024 11:44

    Hi Nart

    Yes, ensure the function module is installed, and a fairly recent release.

    They can also check the entries in the Function Module tables, as I shared prior, using SM30 and make the entries, if they are not there.

    Hope that makes it clear,


    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.

  • 11.  RE: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?

    Posted 05-08-2024 22:51
    Edited by Nart Paksamut 05-09-2024 23:59

    Hi Sigrid,

    1.One of the WFM has to be installed, am I correct?

    2. When I check, SE16 - Table CVERS, WINSHTLQ is there. But I am still not able to use the Long Text function.

    3. I don't see any object in /WINSHTLQ/LTXMAP and /WINSHTLQ/MANDTX via SM30.

    Best Regards,

  • 12.  RE: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?

    Posted 05-27-2024 09:23
    Edited by Nart Paksamut 05-27-2024 09:26

    Hi Sigrid,

    Basis Team managed to install WFM but I am not getting the same screen as yours with the same script.

    Missing object KNA1 but it already exist in Table /WINSHTLQ/LTXMAP. Please advise

    Best Regards,

  • 13.  RE: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?

    Posted 05-28-2024 10:28

    Hi Nart

    Please open a support ticket, so that they can check your environment.  I shared everything I could from our system - which includes checking the Function Module tables, as I shared above. 

    Best Regards,


    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.

  • 14.  RE: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?

    Posted 05-29-2024 09:46

    Hi Sigrid,

    Thank you. I appreciate your time on this.

    Could you please screenshot all fields that are showing when you click 'Add Long Text'? preferable if you are logging with S4/HANA system.

    Best Regards,

  • 15.  RE: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?

    Posted 05-29-2024 11:24

    Hi Nart

    Everything I have shared is from an S4 1909 system - so a bit older, but hopefully still relevant. 

    There are no custom texts that I'm aware of in our system.  

    Here's what I see - with:

    BUT000 are general area related texts

    KNA1 are sales area related texts

    KNB1 are company related texts

    Bank memos and Enterprise Structure are in both screen shots.  You can see a number of texts are available.

    Hope that helps,


    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.

  • 16.  RE: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?

    Posted 11 days ago

    Hi Nart,

    I also struggled with adding the customer texts. I did not get the right fields when selecting "Add Long Text" even though I had the correct requirements in my S4 HANA system. In the end due to the time sensitivity I used RFC_SAVE_TEXT. 

    I was able to update the texts by using TDOBJECT (KNVV for customer), TDNAME (a combination of the customer number + Sales Org. + Distribution Channel + Division), TDID (the textID) and TDLINE (the actual text you want to add/change). The language key was not important in my case but can be added ofcourse.

    I will add an example to this post. As you will see I used a simple formula to create TDNAME since it is a combination. Note that my Excel is in Dutch so you will need to adjust that based on your language settings.

    One sidenote is that the Run Log will always return "No message is returned from SAP" unfortunately, even when something would be entered incorrect. You will always have to validate in SAP afterwards.

    If you weren't able to fix your issues yet I hope this helps!

    Kind Regards,


    Marc Den Hollander
    Farm Frites International B.V.


  • 17.  RE: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?

    Posted 9 days ago
      |   view attached

    Hi Marc,

    Thank you for this. I am using the RFC text as well. It took me some time, but I got it working. 

    I have one question though; do you know what 'Counter' is for? currently I defaulted it as '1'.

    Best Regards,


  • 18.  RE: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?

    Posted 4 days ago

    Hi Nart,

    Great to hear! Regarding your question, I am not sure what "Counter" is usefull for. I couldn't find any documentation for this. It is not needed for changing the text though, so I chose to ignore it.

    Kind Regards,


    Marc Den Hollander
    Farm Frites International B.V.