As part of the Function Module - these tables, which are partially responsible for support long text
If you do have a fairly recent version of the Function Module installed, you might need to contact your Basis team to view/maintain the tables above.
If you don't have the Function Module installed, we recommend you do so.
Original Message:
Sent: 05-02-2024 21:32
From: Nart Paksamut
Subject: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?
Hi Sigrid,
I have downloaded the template that you mentioned.
When I press 'Add Long Text' it shows below error. Do you know what is causing this?
Best Regards,
Original Message:
Sent: 05-02-2024 16:58
From: Sigrid Kok
Subject: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?
Hi Nart
It's one of the BP example scripts I have to update (or create) sales area data for BP here:
As long as you have the Function Module installed, you should be able to leverage the Add Long Text feature on the Map tab
Best Regards,
Sigrid Kok
Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 05-01-2024 22:14
From: Nart Paksamut
Subject: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?
Hi Sigrid,
1.Could you please share the script that you are using?
2.Are you using 'BP' Transaction code when recording?
Best Regards,
Original Message:
Sent: 05-01-2024 19:58
From: Sigrid Kok
Subject: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?
Hi Nart
You could use the Long Text handling that comes with having the Function Module installed in SAP for the standard long texts - documentation link:
I have an update script for BP Sales area, and on the MAP tab I can select to Add Long Text on the ribbon under Advanced Features, like this:
Simple chose the long text(s) you want to work with. It will add a set of fields for each long text you pick, like this for Marketing Note
You can pass in the language code, along with the long text - upload or download, plus mapping the BP number (or customer number in case it's different).
Note that to use this feature, the BP must exist already.
Hope this helps,
Sigrid Kok
Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 04-26-2024 02:40
From: Nart Paksamut
Subject: Maintain Customer Text by Text ID in BP Customer (FLCU01)?
Is there a way to create a script that update Customer Text by ID?
For example data in below table, I have to update Customer Text for TG20 and TG25. But there are many Text Id in the BP Customer. How will the script be created?
TextID |
Customer Text |
TG20 |
New text1 |
TG25 |
New text2 |
Best Regards,