December 2024
Ironstream for z/OS v2.1.7 Service Pack Notice
Precisely announces the release of a new Service Pack for Ironstream for z/OS v2.1.
All Ironstream maintenance is cumulative. This provides a simple means of upgrading to the latest maintenance and features from any previous level of Ironstream for z/OS v2.1. This Service Pack brings Ironstream to v2.1.7.
In summary, this Service Pack contains these changes:
Support for SMF 110 records from CICS/TS v6.2
Handling of comments around keys during revalidation
Add newer DB2 fields from DSNDQXST for IFCIDS 2, 3 and 148
Set DATETIME to UTC time in field LOGRC.STCK in IMS log records
Limit printing of ‘bad’ IMS records to 10 to save spool overload
Correct issue in CICS dictionary utility SSDFGDIC
Service Pack 2.1.7 PTF
Details of new features and fixes can be found in the Release Notes document on the Precisely Help Center and can be downloaded from the Precisely Data Experience.
Important Note
Application of service pack 2.1.5 or later removes the Ironstream Starter Edition feature that allowed Ironstream to run in a limited mode without a valid key. If you believe this will affect you, please contact your account representative to discuss your use of Ironstream before upgrading to this Service Pack.
Contact Information
If you would like technical assistance with any aspect of Ironstream please contact the Precisely Global Support team by using the appropriate portal:
Customers - https://customer.precisely.com/
Partners - https://partner.precisely.com/
Other questions relating to this announcement should be directed to Product Management:
Product Manager ian.hartley@precisely.com
Product Owner nick.varley@precisely.com