MapInfo Pro

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  • 1.  Insert exclusion zone in a polygon

    Posted 01-25-2024 03:57
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    I've been using MapInfo pro for a year now, and although I've looked on the help platforms I've never found the answer to my question (at least I haven't seen it): I'd like to be able to create zones in my polygons myself, which would be excluded from them when it (the polygon) is selected. I've tried looking in every menu but never found a tool that would allow me to do this. 
    Can you please help me? The answer may be quite simple but I really can't find it. 
    On the image, I have a defined area, and I'd like to be able to exclude an area around each of the black dots in this area, here I've used a command to make buffers, but I'd like to be able to draw them by hand.
    Thank you for your time ! :) 

    Valentin Hennebert

  • 2.  RE: Insert exclusion zone in a polygon
    Best Answer

    Posted 01-26-2024 01:42


    The trick is to draw a polygon and use this to Erase into the existing polygon.

    Here are some steps to follow:

    1. Make the layer editable
    2. Draw your exclusion zone as a polygon. Use the Polygon tool from the Insert dropdown in the Edit group on the Spatial tab.
    3. Now select your existing polygon
    4. Use Set Target in the Edit group on the Spatial tab to make the selected polygon the target for an edit process. Or use Ctrl+T.
    5. Now select the newly drawn exclusion zone. It may be necessary to use the Ctrl key on your keyboard to select the exclusion polygon if it has gone under the existing polygon
    6. Finally, click on the Erase dropdown in the Edit group on the Spatial tab and click on Erase Target.
    7. And now select the exclusion zone again and delete it from the layer.

    You can also draw your exclusion zone in a dedicated exclusion zone layer and so be able to keep it.

    And finally, DrawTools may be handy too. It has a dedicated tool for erasing from a selected polygon simply by drawing the area to erase:

    Remove from Region: Allows you to remove an area from an existing selected polygon. Make sure that the layer is editable. Draw the area/polygon that you want to remove from the existing polygon. The drawn polygon will be used to erase from the existing polygon. This could be holes you want to cut or areas you want to remove.

    And this Drawing & Edition webinar may be interesting too: Quick Fire Tips & Tricks: Drawing & Editing.

    I hope this helps.

    Peter Horsbøll Møller
    Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
    Precisely | Trust in Data

  • 3.  RE: Insert exclusion zone in a polygon

    Posted 01-26-2024 03:28


    Thank you very much for your help, I've downloaded the software to access the EDIT function and it's made a big difference to my life! 
    Thanks again. 

    Valentin Hennebert