Data360 Analyze

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  • 1.  How to loop excel output

    Posted 11-28-2022 12:35
    Hi all,

    I am trying to work with looping using the 'do while' or 'do while conditional' nodes; unfortunately I was not successfull.

    I have a list of GET API calls coming from Govern, which I structure using a JSON node. Now, the next step would be to create a separate output in Excel for each API call, by using a loop.
    Can I use the 'do while' or 'do while conditional' nodes for this? If yes, how would they need to be configured?


    Jonas Sinnaeve
    Data Trust Associates

  • 2.  RE: How to loop excel output

    Posted 12-06-2022 09:41

    There are some examples of creating looping that come with several other examples with the Analyze Install.

    Under the folder where Data360 Analyze is installed, look in the folder "lib\lna\uploaded\samples\Node Examples".  Among the example dataflows there is one named "Looping with Do While nodes.lna". that you can import into Analyze and will help get you started using those looping nodes.


    Ernest Jones
    Precisely Software Inc.