Spectrum Spatial (SSA/LIM)

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  • 1.  Hide customization options from LegendContainer Layer created with openLayers

    Posted 08-11-2022 02:26
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    Hi, I`d like to hide the customization options from my layer created with openlayers

    This is some of the code:

                const vectorLayerData = {

                    name: 'heatMapLayer',

                    friendlyName: 'heatMap',

                    source: vectorSource,

                    style: {

                        polyStrokeWidth: 2.5,

                        polyStrokeColor: '#0C0C37',

                        fillPattern: 20


                    doNotCreateLegend: false,


                this.store.dispatch(new AddVectorLayerAction(vectorLayerData));

    Is there a value I have to set for doing this? I want to remove the elements in the picture.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated

    Thanks in advance!

    Francisco Rosas
    Knowledge Community Shared Account

  • 2.  RE: Hide customization options from LegendContainer Layer created with openLayers

    Posted 08-31-2022 04:53
    Edited by Monica Di Martino 08-31-2022 04:53
    Hi Francisco,

    thanks for your question. 

    The answer depends on the Angular of the SSA UI release so May I ask you for getting the version of Spectrum Spatial (and so SSA) you are using  please?

    kind regards,

    Monica Di Martino
    Senior Sales Engineer

  • 3.  RE: Hide customization options from LegendContainer Layer created with openLayers

    Posted 08-31-2022 10:28

    Hi Francisco,

    here below the answer from Juned, one of our high expert Engineers, he has given two possibilities: one with extending the solution, so using Spectrum Spatial Extensibility, the other one is changing the css file. Juned has also explained the pros and contros of those choices.

    Juned: "
    Currently, we give the extensible developer the option to hide the vector legend as a whole through the 'doNotCreateLegend' option which extensible developer can set while creating a vector layer.

    With this option, the whole legend of the vector layer gets hidden but here the requirement is hiding only a section of the vector legend for which there is no such option currently available.

     However, we have some workarounds one through the extensibility and the other through branding to achieve it and are explained below :

     Workaround with extensiblity :

    this.store.select(fromRoot.legendGroups).subscribe(legendGroups => {

      setTimeout(() => {

        let vectorLegendStyleElem$;

        if (document.querySelector('pb-vector-legend pb-tabs')) {

       // To hide style section of vector legend

          vectorLegendStyleElem$ = document.querySelector('pb-vector-legend pb-tabs');

        } else if (document.querySelector('pb-vector-legend pb-cluster-style-form')) {

        // To hide style section of cluster legend

          vectorLegendStyleElem$ = document.querySelector('pb-vector-legend pb-cluster-style-form');

        } else if (document.querySelector('pb-vector-legend pb-heat-style-form')) {

       // To hide style section of heat map legend

          vectorLegendStyleElem$ = document.querySelector('pb-vector-legend pb-heat-style-form');


        if (vectorLegendStyleElem$) {

          vectorLegendStyleElem$.style.display = 'none';


      }, 500);


    Note: The above code needs to be added in the extensible component after dispatching the AddVectorLayerAction


    Workaround with branding:

    Please add the below lines of css code in brand.css.

    pb-vector-legend pb-tabs,  pb-vector-legend pb-cluster-style-form,  pb-vector-legend pb-heat-style-form {

       display: none;



    Comparison of the 2 workarounds :

    The advantage of workaround with branding is that it is much simpler to use as just some css lines  of code is required as compared to through the extensibility where quiet a few JavaScript code of lines and subscription etc. are required.

    However, the advantage of workaround with extensibility is that it will only impact the vector layers created via extensibility and not on the internal vector layers created from 'Add files to map temporarily' feature of SSA whereas workaround with branding will impact vector legend created from both 'Extensibility'   and internally from 'Add files to map temporarily' feature of SSA.

     Note:  Either of the workaround can be chosen with the pros and cons explained above in the comparison section"

    Feel free to reach out directly to me or our support if you would get issues or have doubts.  
    kind regards,

    Monica Di Martino
    Senior Sales Engineer, EMEA

  • 4.  RE: Hide customization options from LegendContainer Layer created with openLayers

    Posted 06-30-2023 05:46

    Thanks a lot, Monica, sorry I didn't answer promptly, I took the approach with extensibility and works OK

    Francisco Rosas
    Knowledge Community Shared Account