Hi Matthew: I shared this with my team mates who were asking the question, but they wanted additional context (step-by-step) how to perform the actions that you mentioned in your reply. "creating another computation field to use as an activation field with one value. If you are looking to restrict the value display to the user, it will be possible through super group, restricting access through those means."
Is there documentation\video that shows how to do this and if not would it be possible to schedule a call with the team (I can facilitate). Please let me know (470 248 6631)
William Williford
Anthem Inc.
Indianapolis IN
Original Message:
Sent: 08-18-2022 07:12
From: Matthew Kennedy
Subject: Filter Settings
Hi William,
If the team is looking to display one value in the filter ( which may have multiple values ), I suggest creating another computation field to use as an activation field with one value. If you are looking to restrict the value display to the user, it will be possible through super group, restricting access through those means.
Matthew Kennedy
Original Message:
Sent: 08-12-2022 12:53
From: William Williford
Subject: Filter Settings
I have a questions about using Card that can shows different dashlets based on the filter value. How can I restrict the Activation Field value to the single value in case when filter has multiple selection?
William Williford
Anthem Inc.
Indianapolis IN