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  • 1.  Export ME5A, ME2N ALV Reports to Excel

    Posted 11-07-2023 17:43

    Hello Everyone,

    I need to export ME5A and ME2N ALV reports to excel.  As per the Knowledge base article, I am exporting the List view report to local file -> Unconverted file format.

    Start SAP GUI is checked. Recording mode is Standard.

    However when running the script in debug mode, I get error 'Runtime error RAISE_EXCEPTION has occurred'.  Please assist.


  • 2.  RE: Export ME5A, ME2N ALV Reports to Excel

    Posted 11-08-2023 15:13

    Hi Sameer

    Great you are looking at the recommendations. :)

    Often it's because the Start SAP GUI checkbox is not checked on the RUN tab.  Please see this support article for the suggestion:

    I hope that helps.

    Best Regards,


    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.