Hello everyone,
Sorry for not coming back to you on this matter.
I've decided to go the Repeating table route and ditch the labels.
Makes sense to mention that I am not running the most up to date version of Evolve, so this might have been fixed in the newer versions.
Sigrid: I've tried both with for and rowIndices and the result is the same. I've tried it both through rules and through the F12 console and it just doesnt' work as hoped, so I gave up for now.
Thank you all for your advice!
Florin Dumitrescu
Carestream Dental LLC
Atlanta GA
Original Message:
Sent: 09-30-2023 16:26
From: Hammad Naeem
Subject: Control labes per section in a repeating section
Hi Florin,
Can you share a copy of the solution, or may be create a test solution with just the required field.
I will try to work it out if this is something we can achieve.
Hammad Naeem
Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 09-29-2023 19:53
From: Sigrid Kok
Subject: Control labes per section in a repeating section
Hi Florin
The JS route is one way to go.
I know rules on repeating sections or table scan sometimes be tricky.
How are you firing the rules for the sublabels? Rules at the row level should be triggered by something in that row - on change - not on load. Is that what you have? If not, is that something you can try?
Hope this helps.
Best Regards,
Sigrid Kok
Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 09-28-2023 03:42
From: Florin Dumitrescu
Subject: Control labes per section in a repeating section
Hello everyone!
As the title says, I have a repeating section with a bunch of fields and sublabels. I want to use the sublabels to write the old value of that field. The rule sounds like this:
if new_value != old_value
set style of the new field, colour blue (which works absolutely fine)
set label of the new field as concat(Old value: old_value), true (so it's the sublabel).
Now here comes the problem.... whenever the set label rule runs, it sets the sublabel for all the fields in that repeating table.
I've already tried the "for i=0;i<count..." route and that doesn't work..
Any ideas or is this a dead end?
Here are some screenshots, in case I didn't explain it well.

Thank you! :)
Florin Dumitrescu
Carestream Dental LLC
Atlanta GA