Something I have some stuff which converts to unicode.
Process records:
for fieldName in in1:
out1[fieldName] = unicode
for fieldName in in1:
if in1[fieldName] is not Null:
out1[fieldName] = unicode(in1[fieldName], "utf-8")
You can do something similar for integers.
Suggestion for field type checking and conditional execution - do something like this:
if isinstance(x['type'],unicode):
elif isinstance(x['type'],dict):
if isinstance(x['type'], list):
Peter Sykes
Data Governance & Architecture
Vontobel Holding AG
Original Message:
Sent: 02-08-2024 15:46
From: Geoff Geoff
Subject: Check field type and Convert to int dynamically in a transform node?
I am trying to read all the fields in and convert them to integer....
i know this isnt right.. but something like this
so no matter how many fields you feed in, it will convert them all to integers type
while i < len(inputs[0]):
outputs[0][inputs[0][i].name] =str
I would also like to know how to check the field type for data transformation...
If inputs[0][i] is Date:
do this....
elif inputs[0][i] is string:
Geoff Geoff
Windstream Communications
Little Rock AR