Data360 Govern

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  • 1.  Enhancements to Process Diagrams

    Posted 02-25-2022 09:27

    The Process Diagram functionality needs enhancements...Please!
    -  Diagram redraws itself:  Lines move; the whole diagram moves after saving
    -  Diagram doesn't allow moving the Connector Label Box.  I tried to redraw the line so the box didn't end up overlapping another Asset box, but couldn't.  The line kept switching back to an undesirable position, almost on top of the other Asset Box.  I even moved the line and the Connector Label did not move at all.
    -  Need the ability to add text, like a Title, Date, Contact information.
    -  Need more colors.  The current selection is very limited.
    -  Lines have to be drawn from points on one box to another and not where it would be more attractive for a presentation.  In addition, it causes overlap where there shouldn't be.  For example, lines that are going in opposite directions will at least partially overlap.  That creates confusion.
    -  Need the ability to change Fonts, Text Colors, and to have Bold and Italics.
    -  Lines draw themselves.  Many times, when a line in progress simply touches a box as it is being pulled to the desired box, an unwanted line is drawn.  
    -  Need more icons to illustrate the meaning, content, usage of a Diagram Asset Type.
    -  Need a standard set of information to fill out in the Edit Asset area with none mandatory but Name.  It could be a Work in Progress and Name may be all that is known at the time, or a quick illustration for high level discussion. 

    I believe more Users than just me have become accustomed to the flexibility of tools like Visio, and modeling tools like erwin.  We need the same capabilities, ease of use, here.

    Thank you.

  • 2.  RE: Enhancements to Process Diagrams

    Posted 02-25-2022 11:54

    Hi Judy,

    Thank you for the feedback. After reviewing the list provided, much of what is detailed will require supplemental examples / screenshots to allow further review with my product management team; Once this information is gathered, it will assist in determining where we can add the most value, via enhancements. That being said, it may be best to continue the conversation over a support ticket, rather than the public forum.

    In regards to the process diagram tool, the functionality around this piece was created to allow organizations to connect Governance data and information to the general business process of an organization. It was never intended to be a direct replacement for tools such as Visio or Erwin.

    I look forward to discussing further over a ticket, though wanted you to know that some of what the team lists is already in the system being reviewed. This includes the following points : 

    ".. Diagram doesn't allow moving the Connector Label Box. I tried to redraw the line so the box didn't end up overlapping another Asset box, but couldn't. The line kept switching back to an undesirable position, almost on top of the other Asset Box. I even moved the line and the Connector Label did not move at all .." ( Reference : GOV-12735 and GOV-12678 )

    ".. Need more colors. The current selection is very limited .." ( Reference : GOV-17283 )

    ".. Lines have to be drawn from points on one box to another and not where it would be more attractive for a presentation. In addition, it causes overlap where there shouldn't be. For example, lines that are going in opposite directions will at least partially overlap. That creates confusion .." ( Reference : GOV-17282 )

    ".. Need the ability to change Fonts, Text Colors, and to have Bold and Italics .." ( Note : Upcoming sprint will introduce more options for the HTML Text field types on Process Diagrams to allow more editing options )

    ".. Need a standard set of information to fill out in the Edit Asset area with none mandatory but Name. It could be a Work in Progress and Name may be all that is known at the time, or a quick illustration for high level discussion .." ( Note : The Diagram Asset Types are configurable. An "administrator" can add a standard set of fields to the assets and you do not need to make the fields required. The only field that you cannot modify the required option is name )

    In addition to the above, a couple points mentioned in your prior post : Process Diagram

    ".. Names in Activity boxes don't fit and I can't expand the boxes. "Data Warehouse Developer" doesn't fit, for example. I could abbreviate, but this is for non-technical people so I would prefer to spell the words out .." ( Reference : GOV-17284 )

    ".. Many Connector Label texts are cut off. The shape of the text is a non-expandable box .." ( Reference : GOV-17286 )

    Let me know of any questions on the above.

    Matthew Kennedy

  • 3.  RE: Enhancements to Process Diagrams

    Posted 02-25-2022 12:06

    Hi Matthew.

    Thank you for the response.  I thought I was doing the right thing by placing the request here.  I'm grateful you set me straight.

    I absolutely didn't expect the Govern Process Diagram tool to take the place of either Visio or erwin.  They have a completely different purpose.  I only mentioned them because of the functionality that each provides.  Also, I was reminded from personal experience, the earliest versions of erwin were very much like this one.  I hope that gives me a special insight.  

    I will create a Ticket and include examples.

    Just in case anyone else is interested, I will also be including a request for Undo/Redo.

    Thank you, again, Matthew.  Looking forward to corresponding with you via a Ticket.

  • 4.  RE: Enhancements to Process Diagrams

    Posted 04-14-2022 09:11

    Hi Matthew.

    I'm finally able to come back to these questions and am embarrassed to say that I don't know how to find the Reference items to gave in your answers.  I searched for them, and the matches include releases but I didn't see what I asked about, above, in those release notes.

    Please let me know what to do.


  • 5.  RE: Enhancements to Process Diagrams

    Posted 04-14-2022 09:38

    Hi Judy,

    The above "GOV-number" references relate to tickets with my development team. These are simply for your notes, in case the team would like an update in the future on the status, etc.

    As you noted, when an enhancement is published in a future release / update, the "GOV-number" will be referenced within the release notes as well.

    Matthew Kennedy