Assure DQ

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  • 1.  Compare Features and SysRequirements for versions tool

    Posted 01-20-2020 10:46

    In the past there was a tool in the documentation that let you compare features and requirements between different versions of Assure. We are looking to upgrade from 9.1 to 9.3 soon and cannot find this tool? Does this tool still exist?

    Attached is a file with the output of this tool from when we upgraded from 8.1 to 9.1 to give you an idea of what I am talking about.

  • 2.  RE: Compare Features and SysRequirements for versions tool

    Posted 01-20-2020 11:49

    The tool you're referring to is our "Product Version Comparison Tool," which was a web page on our old support website outlining new features and system requirement changes between any two product versions.

    A direct equivalent for this tool isn't on this support website; however, all of the previous contents are still available as articles within our Knowledge Base. The System Requirements for each version are stored within the Documentation section, and the new features are listed by product and version in our Release Notes section. 

    It is on my radar to create the tool again, but I don't an estimate of when I'll start coding it. One of the driving factors for creating the original tool was to avoid downloading and reviewing several PDFs. Since our new Knowledge Base has the same content directly available as public-facing web pages, the current layout also avoids PDFs. Are there other features/benefits I should consider for the new version of the Product Version Comparison Tool?

  • 3.  RE: Compare Features and SysRequirements for versions tool

    Posted 01-30-2020 11:26


    I was unaware of such a tool before. I also just looked over your release notes section here, and I see that the release notes articles omit the section on upgrade considerations. I can understand that, because in the release notes PDF this is actually the largest section of the document, and your articles are focused on the new features. The reason the upgrade considerations section is large is because each subsection like "Upgrading from 9.1" is already cumulative. In other words, that section would have all the consideration items for 9.1>9.2 and 9.2>9.3. I didn't look for it, but the full release notes PDF should be accessible somewhere for this comprehensive set of upgrading-from considerations.

  • 4.  RE: Compare Features and SysRequirements for versions tool

    Posted 01-30-2020 11:36

    One of our near-term projects is to revamp the Documentation sections of ACR and Assure, which includes adding the Upgrade Consideration sections of the Release Notes as standalone articles per version. The dedicated upgrade considerations articles will also take into account ad-hoc considerations, such as Importing Jaspersoft Resources.