Hi Jason
Further to the assistance provided earlier, you can also customise either the Quick Access toolbar that sits above the various ribbons or the mini toolbars in the Map & Layout windows that appear under a right-click.
To customise, simply click on the down-arrow at the R/H end of the Quick Access toolbar at the top L/H side of the screen and choose "More Commands".
This will take you into a dialog where you can customise the various toolbars in MapInfo (eg. Map, Layout & Quick Access) to include the tools/functions of your preference.
For example, I have my Ruler tool included in my Map Toolbar so that when I right-click in a map window it is there for me to use, amongst my other favourite map window functions/tools.
Hope this is of assistance.
Tony Maber
Location Analytics & Data - PreSales
Pitney Bowes
Sydney - Australia
Original Message:
Sent: 06-11-2019 19:49
From: Jason Kroeger
Subject: Where's the Mapinfo Pro ruler tool?
Hello people - This is probably the wrong community, though I've been unable to locate any answers elsewhere. Can someone tell me where to find the ruler tool (not the ruler window)? I haven't used the Li360 group for a while, therefore I'm not familiar with the new Knowledge Community. I'm using V17.0.3. Thanks
Jason Kroeger
Spatial Products Lead
Department of Social Services
Canberra BC