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What is "Programmatic" and how does location fit in?

  • 1.  What is "Programmatic" and how does location fit in?

    Posted 05-08-2019 16:25
    As a first time attendee of the Programmatic I/O conference in San Francisco, I could have used a glossary defining all of the industry acronyms thrown my way. One week later, and I'm guilty of using the same newly learned jargon to describe the experience to my colleagues. It's funny how we use big words to make technology (and the messenger) sound smarter than the simple concepts behind it.

    Put much more succinctly, Programmatic Input/Output "boils down to the use of data and technology enabling marketers to make decisions in real time about the advert they want to deliver to the consumer." Check out the link to learn more:

    From this more straight forward answer, I can simplify an explanation of how third party data fits into programmatic and ditch my own industry's jargon: Location intelligence data anchors the "who was near what, and when" scenario with spatial context. Without an understanding of where a particular brand is located, how can one measure foot traffic? Impression to conversion rates? Who is near the brand and when? We are the geospatial component that provides an answer to the above.

    If we level the playing field and focus on intended outcomes, everyone benefits. When all else fails, KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID! 

    Bryan Bonack
    Global Data Product Management
    Pitney Bowes
    Boulder, CO