Assure DQ

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  • 1.  Control report emails containing the Report

    Posted 12-05-2019 08:05
    Customer wants to know if there is a way, from the API, to retrieve a report link to an actual assure report based on a given catalog ID? Secondly, is there a way to batch control failures (error mismatches) to a single email alert rather than hundreds of emails during a batch process run.

  • 2.  RE: Control report emails containing the Report

    Posted 12-12-2019 08:41

    Hi Tom,

    Addressing your first question, this is currently on our roadmap. We have escalated the priority level of this functionality and are working to determine a release date which we will provide here as a response once it is available. 

    For your second question, there are two ways to do this:

    1. If you only need to be notified once and don't care to know how many times a control failed, you can limit the number of alerts in the Result Action to "1" (use the "Limit Per Day" field, screenshot attached) 
    2. If you want to know how many times the alert triggered, you can get rid of alerts on the original control point and set up a Scan Control Point that scans that results of the original and tallies how many times the result was "failure". Once that finishes, it would then send one alert that shows you the final tally.


    Attached files

    2019-12-12 09_35_06-Infogix Assure.png