Data360 DQ+

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  • 1.  DQ+ Enhancement Request: Header background

    Posted 03-13-2022 03:24

    Customer Feedback : The latest version of DQ+ upgrade has changed the Dashboard UX/UI header to white background

    Description: Before upgrade to DQ+ 7.1 few reports/dashboards were configured and header information on grid/tabular reports were shows perfectly but after the upgrade was applied header information is just gone and shows white background

    This situation is very annoying when such things happen in production in BAU mode.

    Enhancement: Bug fix ?

    Workaround: Replicate existing and create new dashboards

    Landing Screenshot

  • 2.  RE: DQ+ Enhancement Request: Header background

    Posted 03-13-2022 20:54

    Raised this on behalf of FutureFund

  • 3.  RE: DQ+ Enhancement Request: Header background

    Posted 03-14-2022 04:03

    Hi Dipin,

    A enhancement request has been opened for review ( Reference : IS-10795 )

    Matthew Kennedy

  • 4.  RE: DQ+ Enhancement Request: Header background

    Posted 03-23-2022 09:08

    Hi Dipin, I have a few notes after working with the product management and development teams on this..

    With the recent Precisely Rebranding in v7.1 we have observed that few users may experience issues with viewing header information on grid / tabular reports. This is due to the grid header background changing from a dark blue / black to a light grey color. As a result, the grid header font color will be difficult to read if it was previously overridden as a "lighter" color. 

    Resolution Steps : 

    1. Go to the Admin | Settings,
    2. Choose Dashboard Styles, then grid header.
    3. Set the font color as per your requirement ( e.g. to #000000 for black )
    4. Check the “apply styles to all dashboards”.
    5. This will change the color for all tables in dashboards that have not themselves been customized ( edit via properties icon looks like a color palette, then the font tab, and you have checked the “override style” checkbox - uncheck that to get the global settings to take effect ).
    6. For Existing Data Grid Reports, please make sure with above steps you have got “override style” checkbox unchecked for individual reports. You can do so by selecting and opening a dashboard in Edit mode. Click on properties which looks like a color Palette and then in the Font tab make sure “override style” checkbox is unchecked to get the global settings to take effect. If the override style checkbox was unchecked by default, global setting changes will automatically be applied to the existing dashboards.

    Matthew Kennedy