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  • 1.  Data Catalog: Column (aka Field) Order

    Posted 11-29-2021 13:08

    I've been adding Tables and Columns to our Data Catalog for a few months, basically, to have an easily accessible Data Dictionary.  Since the last Govern update, Columns are not displaying in the order that I input them.  There doesn't seem to be any order at all.

    I'm purposely adding the Columns in Database order.  Even Tables that I added a few months ago aren't in the same order.

    What happened, why, and what can be done to restore the order?

    Thanks.  Judy


    Attached files

    Reordered Columns 11-29-2021.xlsx


  • 2.  RE: Data Catalog: Column (aka Field) Order

    Posted 11-29-2021 14:48

    Hi <x-zendesk-user data-user-name="Judy Miller">1502327484882</x-zendesk-user>. When you say they are not displaying correctly, where exactly are you looking? There are different sort orders that you can control depending on where you are viewing the asset list from.

  • 3.  RE: Data Catalog: Column (aka Field) Order

    Posted 11-30-2021 08:29

    Hi Justin.

    Thank you for asking.

    I added the Columns in Physical Order, so in the same order as in the Database Table.  Over the time I've been working on this effort, the Columns were displaying in the same order as input.  Right now, I don't know what order they're in.  I know I can click on the arrows to re-sort based on what I select, but I don't know how to get to the order in which they were added.

    Please see the attachment.  The Column order is how it currently appears when I go to Data Catalog > Applications > Tables.  The attachment includes information in purple, showing the order I expected - that is the order in which I added the Column to the Table.  '1' means that I expected to see the Column as the first in the display because it was the first one added.  The second tab contains screenshots of of what I see.

    Does that make sense?

    Thank you!


    Attached files

    Reordered Columns 11-29-2021.xlsx


  • 4.  RE: Data Catalog: Column (aka Field) Order

    Posted 11-30-2021 11:03

    Unfortunately, the only attributes I can think of that would give you the sort option you want would be AssetID or Creation Date, neither of which are currently available as sortable columns. Someone from Precisely will need to address that.

    I did put together a quick step-by for where you can adjust your sort order, in case that's helpful. As a workaround you could technically create a custom hidden attribute where you manually store the sort/creation order and then sort on that, but that would not be ideal if I was in your shoes. 


    Attached files

    sort order.docx


  • 5.  RE: Data Catalog: Column (aka Field) Order

    Posted 11-30-2021 11:45

    Thank you, Justin, for considering the options and laying them out for me.  

    You are right about the hidden attribute...don't think I will go in that direction.

    Thanks, again, for the thought you put into my issue!
