I've finally got a reason to implement the editing capabilities of spectrum.
I've got it to a point where I can add records using spectrum but I find that when I try to edit the shape of an object it is adding a new one rather than editing the existing object.
Is something wrong with the workflow below?
A. I only see "Add Record" there is no "Edit Record"
I get two records as above without it being the same record as existed with an updated shape and some new attribute details.
Am I doing something wrong? I could only find the following link with any detail.
https://support.pitneybowes.com/SearchArticles/VFP05_KnowledgeWithSidebarHowTo?id=kA1800000004MDyCAM&popup=false&lang=en_US (I can't find a equivalent page for 2019
http://discovermeandervalley.insightgis.com.au/discover/connect/analyst/mobile/help/en-gb/tasks/edit_records.html which seems to be for 2018 or older.
Spectrum Spatial™Analyst Version 2019.1 S08 I do not see the Edit Records icon as described in the insightgis article above. Is this something that's been dropped in 2019?
I do have editing of attribution and geometry on for this data/config/functionality profile -the problem is that I can only add records.
George Corea