Spectrum Spatial (SSA/LIM)

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  • 1.  Spectrum Spatial Edit Tab files

    Posted 08-13-2020 02:49
    I've finally got a reason to implement the editing capabilities of spectrum.

    I've got it to a point where I can add records using spectrum but I find that when I try to edit the shape of an object it is adding a new one rather than editing the existing object.

    Is something wrong with the workflow below?

    A. I only see "Add Record" there is no "Edit Record"

    B. Find a record to edit using the Pick option and then click edit

    C. Edit record - with no snapping ability and no display of vertices that could be dragged this interface is not great so this in itself may mean the process in SSA is still not practical to use in production unless I am missing knowledge of this ability.

    D. Now when I click "Add" it adds a record but I just want to modify the existing record...

    I get two records as above without it being the same record as existed with an updated shape and some new attribute details.

    Am I doing something wrong? I could only find the following link with any detail. https://support.pitneybowes.com/SearchArticles/VFP05_KnowledgeWithSidebarHowTo?id=kA1800000004MDyCAM&popup=false&lang=en_US  (I can't find a equivalent page for 2019

    and http://discovermeandervalley.insightgis.com.au/discover/connect/analyst/mobile/help/en-gb/tasks/edit_records.html which seems to be for 2018 or older.

    In Spectrum SpatialAnalyst   Version 2019.1 S08 I do not see the Edit Records icon as described in the insightgis article above. Is this something that's been dropped in 2019?

    I do have editing of attribution and geometry on for this data/config/functionality profile -the problem is that I can only add records.


    George Corea

  • 2.  RE: Spectrum Spatial Edit Tab files
    Best Answer

    Posted 08-13-2020 03:16
    Edited by George Corea 08-18-2020 20:22
    Hi George,

    The edit record button is in the feature info options once you click the feature on the map here:
    And then under Geometry in the editing dialogue, you can click the existing one and edit, or delete the existing geometry all-together and just re-draw a new one:

    I do find that once successfully saving changes and altering the geometry, the little blue loading bar up top keeps loading and I can no longer click on map features etc until i refresh the page. Might be a bug

    Is that what you were after?


    Timothy Righetti
    Senior Spatial IT Business Analyst
    Nillumbik Shire Council
    Greensborough VIC

  • 3.  RE: Spectrum Spatial Edit Tab files

    Posted 08-13-2020 19:05
    Thanks. I didn't notice this - did you read about how to do this in some documentation?

    I also can't click on features after I edit/add features and this is quite a significant bug. I'll report it to support.

    Also the fact that nodes seem to be added based on where you click on the polygon and not on existing vertices and the lack of snapping make the geometric editing functionality not operationally usable in my opinion. 


    George Corea

  • 4.  RE: Spectrum Spatial Edit Tab files

    Posted 08-17-2020 20:03
    No worries,

    I don't believe I found documentation on the editing feature, I stumbled across this one luckily! 


    Timothy Righetti
    Senior Spatial IT Business Analyst
    Nillumbik Shire Council
    Greensborough VIC

  • 5.  RE: Spectrum Spatial Edit Tab files

    Posted 08-18-2020 03:08
    How to Add and edit records is described here in the Spectrum Spatial Analyst User Help.

    Peter Horsbøll Møller
    Distinguished Engineer
    Pitney Bowes Software & Data