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Customer Feedback : Difficult knowing if it is going to filter or drill down when clicking ‘widgets’. Is there a hover on the screen that tells it is drill down dashboard or can we filter on the page (so people know can filter up or down
Description: The Reconciliation Status dashboard circled in screenshot functions as a drill down widget when clicked on the date, and at the same time filters other 3 reports on the dashboard. It will allow the user to drill down to further detail on reconciliation status once clicked on the Date on bottom Axes.
From UI perspective when customer looks at the report they won’t come to know if it is a drill down report unless they click on it or they are trained.
Enhancement: When report has drilldown feature enabled, UI should easily show a hover or an icon that tells that it is a drilldown report.
Workaround: Report title could be re-named to determine it is a drilldown report.
Landing view on dashboard
After drilldown and filter applied