Hey Mandy
I have several Use Cases for this functionality. Generally, the goal is to have more control of activity execution.
For example, I'd want one activity flow to be executed at a later time than the others. In the picture below, I want to execute the flow in the middle a couple minutes/seconds later than the flows on the left/right side. This ensures, that a field is updated before the notification containing a reference to that field value in the middle is sent out.
This is necessary, as I cannot combine conditional flows flowing into a single element, where the box "Wait for all transitions" is ticked. If I try to do as the image below, the Email Item is never triggered, as not every flow can be completed (due to the fact, that only 2 out of the 3 flows are completed at any given time due to conditional true/false routing between the left & right element).

Preferably there would be a Workflow Item, that combines several incoming flows into a single flow (similar to Gateways e.g. in the BPMN), where the subsequent elements are only triggered once. As of now, combining several flows into a single Workflow Item (without the box mentioned above ticked) results in the subsequent activities to be executed as many times as there were inflows. Thus, more complex Workflows with several activity flows are very tedious in setting up. This would be a larger enhancement suggestion though, so for now I would be very happy with having more options for the Timer in the connection lines.