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  • 1.  How to know if a MultiCurve objets has more than one node in the same location?

    Posted 01-22-2020 05:24

    I can solve this is anyone shows me how to extract nodes coordinates of each node

    Thank you!

    Alejandro Hernandez
    Information Technology & Services
    ITS SA (GBD)
    Buenos Aires

  • 2.  RE: How to know if a MultiCurve objets has more than one node in the same location?

    Posted 01-22-2020 07:42
    Edited by Peter Møller 01-22-2020 09:20

    Hi Alejandro,

    What software are you using? MapInfo Pro or MapXtreme?

    If you are using MapBasic, I'd recommend that you post your questions in the MapInfo Pro Developers User Group instead.

    You will have more people looking at your question that know about developing with MapInfo Pro using MapBasic, .NET or even Python.

    Peter Horsbøll Møller
    Distinguished Engineer
    Pitney Bowes Software & Data

  • 3.  RE: How to know if a MultiCurve objets has more than one node in the same location?

    Posted 01-22-2020 15:43
    Hi Peter

    I am using MapXtreme 8.1

    Is this the correct forum?

    Thank you

    Alejandro Hernandez
    Information Technology & Services
    ITS SA (GBD)
    Buenos Aires

  • 4.  RE: How to know if a MultiCurve objets has more than one node in the same location?

    Posted 01-24-2020 04:20
    Hi Alejandro,

    To extract the points you need to loop through each Curve within the  MultiCurve, then within each curve loop through each segment which is actually a line string which will give you  start and end points


        MultiCurve myMultiCurve 
        foreach (var curve in myMultiCurve )
            foreach (var segment in curve)
                var x = segment.StartPoint.x;
                var y = segment.StartPoint.y;

    Liz Walker

  • 5.  RE: How to know if a MultiCurve objets has more than one node in the same location?

    Posted 01-24-2020 14:34
    Hi Liz

    Thank you but is not working.
    Please can you tell me what's wrong?

    I have points in a database an want to create the polyline object  (polylne is in MapInfo)

    'Geometry construction

    lo_MIDPoints(0) = New MapInfo.Geometry.DPoint(1, 100)
    lo_MIDPoints(1) = New MapInfo.Geometry.DPoint(2, 200)
    lo_MIDPoints(2) = New MapInfo.Geometry.DPoint(3, 300)

    lo_MI_Geometry = New MapInfo.Geometry.MultiCurve(MapControl1.Map.GetDisplayCoordSys, CurveSegmentType.Linear, lo_MIDPoints, 

    First question: The multiCurve geometry is the correct geometry to construct the "polyline:"?


    'Loop to know coordinate of each node

    For Each oCurve As Curve In lo_MI_Geometry
        For Each oSegment As LineString In oCurve

    Why can' get each segment and their coordinates?  In this case return me only one segment when in fact I have 3 points.!  So I shoud get 2 segments right?
    Segment 1, from 1,100 to 2,200
    Segment 2, from 2,200 to 3,300

    Thank you!

    Alejandro Hernandez
    Information Technology & Services
    ITS SA (GBD)
    Buenos Aires

  • 6.  RE: How to know if a MultiCurve objets has more than one node in the same location?

    Posted 01-27-2020 05:34
    Hi Alejandro,

    Re Question 1:
    If you want to create a polygon then MultiPolygon is the geometry type to use rather than MuiltiCurve:-

    lo_MIDPoints(0) = New MapInfo.Geometry.DPoint(1, 100)
    lo_MIDPoints(1) = New MapInfo.Geometry.DPoint(2, 200)
    lo_MIDPoints(2) = New MapInfo.Geometry.DPoint(3, 300)
    lo_MIDPoints(3) = lo_MIDPoints(0)
    lo_MI_Geometry = New MapInfo.Geometry.MultiPolygon(MapControl1.Map.GetDisplayCoordSys, CurveSegmentType.Linear, lo_MIDPoints)

    To create a closed geometry you need to have the first point equal to the last.

    Re: Question 2
    You only have 2 segments in your example as the multiCurve is not a closed geometry so the number of segments will be one less than the number of points. 

    Liz Walker

  • 7.  RE: How to know if a MultiCurve objets has more than one node in the same location?

    Posted 01-27-2020 08:50
    Hi Liz

    Yes, I have only two segments, but how can I know the coordinates of each segment?

    The code I wrote does not return correctly each coordinates.

    Where is the problem?

    Thank you!

    Alejandro Hernandez
    Information Technology & Services
    ITS SA (GBD)
    Buenos Aires

  • 8.  RE: How to know if a MultiCurve objets has more than one node in the same location?

    Posted 01-28-2020 08:26
    Sorry I missed a level out on my first explanation here is the c# code

     DPoint point1 = new DPoint(1, 100);
     DPoint point2 = new DPoint(2, 200);
     DPoint point3 = new DPoint(3, 300);
     var points = new List<DPoint>() {point1, point2, point3, point1};
     CoordSys coordsys = Session.Current.CoordSysFactory.CreateCoordSys("EPSG:27700");
     var multiCurve = new MultiCurve(coordsys, CurveSegmentType.Linear, points.ToArray());
    foreach (var curve in multiCurve)
                    foreach (var segment in curve)
                        if(segment is LineString line)
                        foreach (var point in line)
                            Debug.Print($"{point.x} {point.y} ");
    which produces the output

    1 100 
    2 200 
    3 300 
    1 100

    Liz Walker