Hi Ian
Is the key aspect of this "auto update"?
The Update Column function is a great way of populating a new field in your database with permanent values but it would need to be run again and again if the data is edited or new records added.
You could add a temporary column to your data using the "Pick Fields" option in the Browser section of the Table ribbon.
From there, select the Expression option and add to your Columns in the Browser. Then use the same expression that
@Tony Maber deescribed.
Lastly, you can check the box to "Save As Default Browser View".
This column will then be generated each time you open the table and be populated from the values in the other 2 columns - edited or new.
John Ievers
CDR Group
Hope Valley, United Kingdom
Original Message:
Sent: 03-24-2019 06:42
From: Ian Dunkley
Subject: Help - really basic query
Help me. I have what I think is a really basic query but can't find the answer anywhere! I have a table, with a column 'Area' and a column 'Area_buildings'. I then have an area called 'Total_applicable_area' which I want to auto update to be 'Area' minus 'Area_buildings'.
I just can't seem to write an expression that works in the update columns section. Can't find any help on it either.
Please help! Thanks,
Ian Dunkley
Knowledge Community Shared Account