I'm using v2021.1 and have two issues with the Layout Scalebar:
Are there any plans to make the text in the Layout Scalebar editable, so, for example, "kilometers" can be changed to British English spelling and with capital letter (Kilometres)?
Also - I have the same problem as a few others I've seen in posts here, in that the Layout Scalebar shifts from the bottom-right position I drag it to in the activated layout window to a position further left and higher. Sometimes it stays there, but rarely, even if I haven't subsequently amended the activated map. And often now, since v2021.1, it shifts higher and left even during the process of PDF printing - so it looks OK, but during printing it shifts.
Is there an easy fix to this? Is any fix being planned?
Jane Mason
Biological Records Officer (GIS), Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service, UK