MapInfo Pro

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  • 1.  Use Pages or Multiple Layouts?

    Posted 08-28-2019 21:52
    The big question is What are the Pro's and Cons to using Pages in a Layout compared to the common method of using Multiple Layout Windows?

    To set the stage here, i am creating the mapping product for our local town planning scheme. Given the complexity of the different maps required (varied layout scalebars, overview maps, alternate legends etc.), unfortunately tools like 'SiteMapper' just wont work in this situation, so manual it is.

    What i do have is the opportunity to set this product up correctly, Essentially each theme (x12) will be a workspace, each workspace to have all the location maps (x10). So would it be better to set the maps up as pages in a layout or 1 layout per map?

    Using Layouts are straight forward but im just not sure with using pages, i mean i don't want to get half way through this product i go "i should've done it the other other way because now i can't do this". Also noticed that you can't 'Clone' a page either....

    Any advice, thoughts or recommendations would be much appreciated. Cheers :)

    Joel Cranston
    Lockyer Valley Regional Council

  • 2.  RE: Use Pages or Multiple Layouts?

    Posted 08-29-2019 08:08
    A couple of comments, @Joel Cranston.

    1. Even though you can't clone a page in a layout, you can copy the entire content from one layout page and paste it onto a new page.

    2. One of the benefits of a multi-page layout is the ability to easily print all pages into a single PDF or to a printer.

    3. If there is a difference in page sizes, you need multiple layouts.

    I assume some of these thoughts have already crossed your mind.
    Hopefully, there are some other real-life experiences worth sharing out there.

    Peter Horsbøll Møller
    Pitney Bowes

  • 3.  RE: Use Pages or Multiple Layouts?

    Posted 09-01-2019 18:49
    Hi Peter,

    Some great comments you've provided and a good summary for others who read this. Your assumption is correct though as i have come across those helpful hints in some of the support resources and to be honest for this product i believe using pages to be the most beneficial.

    Definitely hoping there are some experiences to share from other users, so will have to wait and see and in the meantime i think i will allow for some additional testing and if i find anything else i will add to your list.

    Joel Cranston
    Lockyer Valley Regional Council