Hi Kyle,
you might set up a query creating a Named View Table in Spectrum Spatial Manager, links to guides are below. You can create Simple and Advanced queries, in the Advanced you might set parameters for example.
After creating the Named View Table you can set the Permissions to Users and Role in Spectrum Spatial Manager (see guide below).
For using the query/View Table you need to set the query of the table (so the Named View Table) in Spectrum Spatial (Analyst) map Projects Editing - go to business maps, tab query and select the View Table relative to the table (that is also a layer of the map project).
In Spectrum Spatial Manager you can set True the flag to Quick Search, so the end user can use the query just clicking in the search box on the top left of the SS(A) UI.
Here the links for Release 2020.1
Creating a Named View Table:
https://docs.precisely.com/docs/sftw/spectrum/20.1/en/webhelp/Spatial/index.html#Spatial/source/Resources/resources/repoman/create_viewtable.htmlPermissions tab :
https://docs.precisely.com/docs/sftw/spectrum/20.1/en/webhelp/Spatial/index.html#Spatial/source/Resources/resources/repoman/Permission_Management/PermissionsTab.htmlQuick Search settings in Functionality Profile
https://docs.precisely.com/docs/sftw/spectrum/20.1/en/webhelp/Spatial/index.html#Spatial/source/Management/analyst/managing/managing_map_projects.htmlIf you are using Release 2019.1 you might use the same links with 19.1.
kind regards,
Monica Di Martino
EMEA LI/Data Sales Engineer
Original Message:
Sent: 01-20-2021 20:50
From: Kylie Kerr
Subject: Setting up Query in SSA
Hi Everyone,
I am extremely new to using SSA and are having trouble with setting up Queries. Is there any way to set up a query that permanently stays against a profile?
Why I ask is that I have a lot of users of our system using the same query parameters over and over again and are getting a little cranky with having to select the same query parameters every time they want to search the same layer. They want something that is already set up. '
Kylie Kerr
Moree Plains Shire Council
Moree NSW