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ME22N - Update delivery date

  • 1.  ME22N - Update delivery date

    Posted 03-25-2020 04:19
      |   view attached
    Hi Winshuttle Community, 

    I've been looking at a few help articles for creating a ME22N script to change delivery dates as I'm suffering with collapsing of the header and item overview sections with subsequent transactions. 

    This is the specific article I'm referring to. 

    Under the "Additional Information" section it describes using a "IF FIRST" and "IF NOT FIRST" transaction conditions to get around this issue, I've managed to find where to put the "IF FIRST" condition but can't work out where to put the "IF NOT FIRST" condition. 

    Script attached, any help greatly appreciated!

    Woodside Energy Ltd


    ME23N_20200325_151523.Txr   740 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: ME22N - Update delivery date

    Posted 03-26-2020 02:37
    Hi Ben

    I had the same problem with the same script  a few weeks ago. you just have to copy the lines within the If first transaction condition paste just after the condition  then insert the If not First Transaction condition. 

    I have attached the final script that worked for me with the excel data file. i hope it works in your environment

    Nkosinathi Sithole | Master Data Officer


  • 3.  RE: ME22N - Update delivery date

    Posted 03-26-2020 06:36


    when you're struggling with collapsing of the header and item overview sections I suggest you to use the keyboard shortcuts when recording the script instead ot the mouse. In the recording you will see the difference.
    With command =METOGG you switch to change mode.
    At that moment you can't see if subwindow sections is open or closed.
    Using the mouse you will see =MEV4001BUTTON in the recording. This code is the same for opening or closing the subwindow.

    When you use the keyboard shortcuts you will get the following codes:

    Header window:
    =METOGGON1 opens the window      (Think Material Einkauf TOGGle ON window 1)
    =METOGGOFF1 closes the window

    Item window:
    =METOGGON2 opens the windows
    =METOGGOFF2 closes the windows

    =METOGGON3 opens the window
    =METOGGOFF3 closes the window

    When you use these commands you are sure the subwindow opens or closes as you want.
    (If it is already open and you give the command for open nothing happens, if it is closed it will open.)

    Hope this helps.

    Kind Regards,

    Jan van Asseldonk | Consultant
    CTAC | +31629078169

  • 4.  RE: ME22N - Update delivery date

    Posted 04-14-2020 03:25
    Thanks @Jan van Asseldonk and @Nkosinathi Sithole for sharing.

    Unfortunately I can't seem to get the ​​script to work properly having tried all the various troubling shooting items that can found in the Winshuttle knowledge base.

    If I add the IF condition to the =METOOG and the IF NOT condition to the =METOGGON2  and METOGGON3 , the script fails on every second record. 

    If I remove the the conditions and use the Renew Session feature the first transaction will process and the subsequent ones will not. 

    The standard behaviour for ME22N is to open in change, I've tried removing the =METOOG altogether and then the all the transactions fail. 

    I am unsure if it's maybe our SAP environment that making it so difficult for this script to work correctly, the only way I can get it to work is using ME23N as you toggle to Change the PO for every transaction. 

    Any help greatly appreciated. 

    Woodside Energy Ltd

  • 5.  RE: ME22N - Update delivery date

    Posted 04-14-2020 05:24
    Hi Ben,

    you don't need to use IF condition  when using  =METOGGON..  or =METOGGOFF.. commands.
    F.e. if the screen is already in the status =METOGGON1 then is does nothing. Is it in closed state it will open the window.

    Jan van Asseldonk | Consultant
    CTAC | +31629078169

  • 6.  RE: ME22N - Update delivery date

    Posted 04-15-2020 03:32
    Hi Ben.

    Please download video from the following link. it gives a great description of how to record ME21N and ME22N.


    Nkosinathi Sithole | Master Data Officer

  • 7.  RE: ME22N - Update delivery date

    Posted 04-15-2020 05:34
    Thanks gents for sending through your insights, unfortunately I still can't get it to work. 

    The standard behaviour for SAP in ME22N is to open in change mode and then every subsequent transaction also opens in change mode. It's only when you record a batch script that you need to go from display to change as there is no first PO record when recording. So I have tried the following scenarios with varying degrees of success. 

    1) If I record a ME22N script in batch mode, the switch from display to change mode (METOGG) command needs to be used. If I run that script the first record will update but no subsequent records will as the subsequent record when it activates the METOGG command will switch from change to display mode, correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this is expected behaviour for the transaction. 

    2) If I add the IF conditions as described in the video and help article

    Every second record opens in display mode and fails. 

    3) If I remove the IF conditions and use the Renew Session feature as described in this article
    All records fail, which leads me to believe that the METOGG switch between display and change mode is only required during the recording.

    4) However If I remove METOGG altogether, every first record fails and the second record is successful, basically every opposite record from scenario 2 is successful. 

    5) With METOGG removed and using the Renew Session feature every record fails. 

    It's at this stage I am no longer sure what to test to get this to work. 

    I am using Winshuttle version 12.1 64 bit with SAP ECC 6, logo pad 760 and recently we deployed enhancement pack 8. It seems as if I can't get the script to understand the behaviour of how the transaction switches between display and change modes. 

    Any help greatly appreciated.

    Woodside Energy Ltd

  • 8.  RE: ME22N - Update delivery date

    Posted 04-15-2020 08:14
      |   view attached
    Good Morning Ben - Have you tried to record the script using ME22 instead?

    Christopher Dennis | Supply Chain Analytics Supervisor
    Hubbell | (803) 648-8386


  • 9.  RE: ME22N - Update delivery date

    Posted 04-15-2020 16:30
    This also gave me trouble, and I too reviewed all of the same documents that you did! One of the things not mentioned that seemed to help was that after you filter to the line item, make sure it's actually pulling in in the item detail. I chose the renew session option + included the METOGG. It *usually* works now. I don't know how much help that was, but at least you know you're not alone. Good luck.

    Jaime Satko | Data Solutions Engineer I
    Patterson Companies | 6514054989

  • 10.  RE: ME22N - Update delivery date

    Posted 04-15-2020 20:37
    Thanks James, appears to be a sticky transaction.

    Woodside Energy Ltd

  • 11.  RE: ME22N - Update delivery date

    Posted 04-15-2020 20:36
    HI Christopher, 

    Yeah mate I had tried ME22 but unfortunately we have a load of custom validations that produce warning messages and the only way I can get around these is to use ME22N. 


    Woodside Energy Ltd

  • 12.  RE: ME22N - Update delivery date

    Posted 04-15-2020 09:19
    Hi Ben

    Automating this tcode is not easy - the "enjoy" version me22n - is difficult.

    The switching on of edit and opening of sections typically requires an IF statement - if first transaction, or if not first transaction for some of the section opening - at least the standard way - not using the OK codes from Jan.  I think using the OK codes he provided would be great, but you still need an IF around going into edit mode - IF first transaction.

    Documentation on IF statements: 

    Based on your comment of every other one fails, please look into this.   If you need help, please consider attaching your script.  We also have a template example that may help - you can follow the links on the community or go directly to it:

    Best Regards,

    Sigrid Kok
    PSE | Winshuttle NA

  • 13.  RE: ME22N - Update delivery date

    Posted 04-15-2020 20:58
    Hi Sigrid, 

    Referring to my previous posts I have described the scenarios and the outcomes I have experienced which includes Jan's suggestions, I've looked through all the online resources and tried every combination that I can think of to get this working with varying success. 

    I have downloaded that script but it has not assisted. 

    We have anywhere up to 1000 delivery date changes a week I would like to be putting through Winshuttle but I'm getting the impression it can't handle it!

    Woodside Energy Ltd

  • 14.  RE: ME22N - Update delivery date

    Posted 04-16-2020 11:14
    Hi Ben

    One other thing to check is the default recording mode in tcode /n/WINSHTLQ/ADMPANEL
    See the doc

    if you go to the Transaction mode tab
    I have this for ME22N - notice the far right recording mode column- noting that I'm on Version 12.1 of the Winshuttle Function Module
    I also have one other entry for ME22N

    Please work with Support on these to see if your WFM settings may need adjusting.

    I did a quick and dirty recording, using Jan's OK codes to make sure everything was expanded.  Based on the settings I have in the WFM, this works for me.  Note I took a short cut on the filter part, so in debug mode, you'll get a pop-up about selecting another value for filter criteria, but you can ignore it.

    If all of the tips you have still don't work, I suggest your reach out to your rep to arrange one on one assistance.

    Best Regards,

    Sigrid Kok
    PSE | Winshuttle NA


    ME22N_ChangeItemData.xlsx   5 KB 1 version
    ME22N_ChangeItemData.Txr   4.96 MB 1 version

  • 15.  RE: ME22N - Update delivery date

    Posted 04-17-2020 02:44
    Thanks Sigrid. 

    We have nothing maintained WINSHTLQ/ADMPANEL according to SAP support team. 

    Should I raise a support ticket to Winshuttle to find out what should be maintained for ME22N? 


    Woodside Energy Ltd

  • 16.  RE: ME22N - Update delivery date

    Posted 10-12-2023 10:28

    Hi @Sigrid Kok!

    Unfortunataly the links in this post are not working anymore :( 
    I wanted to check the documentation, because I need help with the IF statement "first transaction" (how to handle it correctly) and I wanted to check example scripts for ME22N, if there are any?

    I did check this one:  but that doesn't help me. 

    This all belongs to my latest post on here:

    Would be great if you could reply there :)

    Thanx a lot in advance,
    best regards,

    Iris Müller
    Specialist Data Management

  • 17.  RE: ME22N - Update delivery date

    Posted 10-12-2023 12:08

    FYI, what used to be called the step by step guides are now in the Studio documentation here - Transaction Module Guides:  

    Best Regards,


    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.