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  • 1.  Independently publishable Active Content location

    Posted 03-10-2020 06:43
    Edited by Andy Mackness 03-11-2020 06:28
    In the doc1gen.ops file we have an entry for Active Content location in the input section:


    Is it possible to specify two locations? We are looking a upgrading to Designer & Generate 6.6.10, and the publishable active content seems to have different IDs when built with the new version of Designer (I am importing snapshots from 6.0 into 6.6) 

    I'd like to keep active content built in 6.6.10 separate from the content built in 6.0, so that the current files can be archived away once everything is migrated.  

    Can I specify two locations, or is there a way of generating separately publishable content with the same ID ?

    ** update - I'll just use separate ops files for 6.0 and 6.6 **

    Andy Mackness

  • 2.  RE: Independently publishable Active Content location

    Posted 03-16-2020 12:23
    Hi Andy.

    Re: Is it possible to specify two file locations for Generate OPS setting ActiveContentLocation

    Answer : No
    Although you can specify multiple instances of this Generate OPS setting thus :

    .. Generate uses the LAST Location specified only , with all the other instances being superceded by the last one in the OPS file.

    Why are Published Active Content "R000.." references different when Published from SnapShots ?
    The reason here is that when exporting and importing Designer SnapShots containing Publications and Active Content, the act of Importing a Design SnapShot creates a NEW Project (aka "Strand" in older 6.0 versions) 

    As the "uniqueness" of the autogenerated Publication Active Content references depends on the Parent Database and Project as well as the Publication , this is why the Active Content references will change using export / import SnapShots.

    Hence , both the Publication and Active Contents will need to be republished .

    These new Active Contents should be  separated from Active Content published from a Different Repository / Project.

    As you have already surmised, separate OPS files with separate "ActiveContentLocation" paths is indeed the best way to handle this scenario.

    Many thanks for your question.

    Paul Barron
    Principal QA
    EngageOne Compose (Designer / Generate)
    Watford, United Kingdom