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New features and client fixes for EngageOne Compose - webinar replay for community members!

  • 1.  New features and client fixes for EngageOne Compose - webinar replay for community members!

    Posted 06-24-2019 12:25
    Hi all,

    I am very pleased to share replay access for community members to the following #Webinar recording by Parineeta Chaudhary, the product manager for EngageOne Compose:

    New feature and client fixes for EngageOne Compose 4.4.8 - webinar by Parineeta Chaudhary

    The link above should take you straight to the recording as long as you are signed in.

    Hope you find this useful, please share your comments and feedback.


    Gerhard Heide
    Global Director - Market Strategy
    Pitney Bowes Software Ltd