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EngageOne Designer / Generate / Interactive Editors v6.6 SP11 R2 Release Update [ ] now available

  • 1.  EngageOne Designer / Generate / Interactive Editors v6.6 SP11 R2 Release Update [ ] now available

    Posted 01-24-2022 07:10
      |   view attached

    The latest cumulative release update versions of 6.6 Service Pack 11 R2 [] are now available.

     The new releases of 6.6 SP11 R2 Release update versions, can be downloaded from these links :

     Note :
              The following products and download links remain at the previous release level:

    The cumulative list of all 6.6.x fixes to date, including those new in this release, can be viewed in the  "Software changes in this release" PDF file attached to this release announcement.

    Download failure ?

    In case of download failures , do not reply to this post.
    Please e-mail a report of the issue to Fulfillment ->


    Product Documentation links
    Product documentation can be found in each Product's documentation area available on the Precisely support site.

    New in this release

    EngageOne Designer + Generate - Invalid Data Matrix Barcode message improvements
    When an invalid Data Matrix Barcode value is supplied , for example using Non alphanumeric or mixed case characters , Designer and Generate message reporting of "Internal error" has been replaced by:

    LAD11255A : The value '%s' is invalid for barcode (type - %s, label - %s).

    GEN0386A The value '%1' for the '%2' barcode on page %3 of document %4 is invalid.

    These messages have been added to the Diagnostic Message guide available with this release.

    EngageOne Designer Publish + Generate - Reserved area Rotated Text Box updates
    Designer Publish and Generate now supports Rotated Text Box content inside a Reserved area.

    EngageOne Designer Snapshot import update to allow Multiple font folders of the same name
    Designer Snapshot import has been updated to allow a Designer Snapshot to import where the Snapshot contains multiple font folders of the same name and the target Repository contains the same font folder name.

    EngageOne Generate - Bookmark feature and Paragraph options combination update
    EngageOne Generate has been updated to support the Design Bookmark feature in combination with the Design Paragraph control options "Merge
    with previous" and "Keep with next".

    EngageOne Generate - Structured XML Journal Output Device name special character support
    Generate Structured XML Journal "OutputDeviceName" support has been added to escape special characters such as Ampersand , Greater than , etc to allow XML validation.

    EngageOne Generate -  Text Box / Object Rotation support for Transparent RGB PDF using multiple output devices
    Generate Text Box / Object Rotation support for Transparent RGB PDF using multiple output devices has been added, with the exception of CMYK PDF and PostScript.

    EngageOne Designer Advanced Search - Minimum JVM/JDK requirement update
    EngageOne Designer Advanced Search feature JVM minimum requirement is Oracle/OpenJDK 11 onwards.

    Paul Barron
    Principal QA
    EngageOne Compose (Designer / Generate)
