I am having problems with the Data Experience Java SDK sample program.
I have modified the pom.xml file per the README:
And have installed the SDK jar in the local maven repo:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile="C:\Users\myuser\Precisely\precisely-pdx-sdk-3.0.2-full.jar" -DgroupId="com.precisely.pdx" -DartifactId="precisely-pdx-sdk" -Dversion="3.0.2" -Dpackaging="jar"
Then build it: mvn clean package
No errors on build.
Then run it:
java -jar pdx-sdk-sample-commandline-3.0.2-full.jar -lp -a myapikey -s mysecretkey
The result:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/precisely/pdx/sdk/DataDeliveryClient
I examined the full jar produced by maven using 'jar -tf' and there is no sign of any of the SDK classes in it. Something not right about that. Being a 'full' jar it should have all classes used by the project in it.
I have also tried running with the SDK on the classpath:
java -classpath "C:\Users\myuser\Precisely\precisely-pdx-sdk-3.0.2-full.jar" -jar pdx-sdk-sample-commandline-3.0.2-full.jar -lp -a myapikey -s mysecretkey
Same results. Has anyone else tried using this or can anyone spot what I am doing wrong?
Steve Ogden
Knowledge Community Shared Account