Great information, thank you Penny. When will this be released?
Marcus Enger
Director Partner Management EMEA
Original Message:
Sent: 06-26-2019 13:48
From: Penny Szot
Subject: Global Geocoding Data Quarterly Update (July 2019) - Country Coverage Details
Global Geocoding Data Quarterly Update (July 2019) - Country Coverage Details
The geocoding team is constantly working to improve our international coverage. The attached excel spreadsheet lists per data set the latest precision coverage for the July 2019 release.
22 New Datasets where added this quarter
ISO3 Country Name Product Code Precision
BHS Bahamas BS4 AddressPoints
BHR Bahrain BH4 AddressPoints
BHR Bahrain BH2 Streets
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina BA2 Streets
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina BA4 AddressPoints
CAN Canada CA2 Streets
CHL Chile CL4 AddressPoints
EST Estonia EE4 AddressPoints
GRC Greece GR4 AddressPoints
ISL Iceland IS3 AddressPoints
IDN Indonesia ID2 Streets
LVA Latvia LV4 AddressPoints
LTU Lithuania LT4 AddressPoints
NOR Norway NO4 AddressPoints
ROU Romania RO4 AddressPoints
ZAF South Africa ZA4 AddressPoints
TWN Taiwan TW4 AddressPoints
UKR Ukraine UA3 AddressPoints
ARE United Arab Emirates AE4 AddressPoints
URY Uruguay UY4 AddressPoints
VNM VietNam VN2 Streets
VNM VietNam VN4 AddressPoints
Example of the spreadsheet content.
Map Coverage
Penny M. Szot
Sr R&D Manager
Location Intelligence - Geocoding
350 Jordan Road
Troy, NY