I am very excited to see the upcoming release of the improved Thailand geocoder next month.
With this upcoming release, the Thailand geocoder can now achieve over 50% address match, using a real-world address file.
Our benchmarks have shown a decrease in exact matches, which indicates a significant reduction in false positives. For instance, the Latinized words "mu" and "moo" are no longer resulting as false positives with the Thai words "หมู่บ้าน" and "หมู่บ้าน". We now support mixed language inputs i.e. based on our real-world experience, it is common practice to Latinize the name of the city. Our geocoder supports both the "/" in the street numbering system (street number/street extension) and house numbering system (plot number/house number).
See below for our current Thailand coverage map. Stay tuned for more upcoming releases with our United States and International geocoders!
Learn more about our geocoding products at: https://www.pitneybowes.com/us/location-intelligence/geocoding-data-enrichment.html

Preetpaul Saini
Associate Product Manager
Boulder, CO