Data360 DQ+

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  • 1.  DQ+ Dashboard Cell Highlighting with Single Point Threshold Does Not Work

    Posted 07-08-2021 06:40

    On our dashboard we are unable to get any cells to be highlighted with the following single point threshold. The cell should be highlighted if the value in PopulatedPercentage is less than 50%. But with the following expression none of the cells are highlighted. 

    Path :

    DS3 Dashboards -> Business Process > 4. Dashboard > Business Capability Governance Metrics -> Business Process Field Check


    Attached files

    Dashboard color coding 1.PNG
    expression 2.PNG


  • 2.  RE: DQ+ Dashboard Cell Highlighting with Single Point Threshold Does Not Work

    Posted 07-08-2021 08:50

    Hi Arthur... I have an obvious question that might just me missing something, but in "Dashboard color coding 1.png" all of the values are over 50, so they would not be highlighted.  I assume there are other values below 50 that are not highlighted.  Also, have tried .5 instead of 50?

  • 3.  RE: DQ+ Dashboard Cell Highlighting with Single Point Threshold Does Not Work

    Posted 07-09-2021 05:56

    There are many other values that aren't highlighted which are beyond that range. And I have tried many different other values for the expression to no avail.

  • 4.  RE: DQ+ Dashboard Cell Highlighting with Single Point Threshold Does Not Work

    Posted 07-09-2021 12:27

    Hi Arthur,

        A threshold can only be applied to a field that is on the y-axis (which makes it a measurement).  So to make it work, you can add the fields you want to highlight as a "measure" on the y-axis and use that in the data grid too.  You can then also choose that field on the y-axis as your Compute field when creating the rule (see screenshots).  In my example below, I use ExecType as the field I am adding threshold rules too.


    Attached files

    ExecType as a Measure.JPG
    ExecType Rule and Computation.JPG


  • 5.  RE: DQ+ Dashboard Cell Highlighting with Single Point Threshold Does Not Work

    Posted 07-13-2021 06:19

    Hi Jeff, 

    I followed you directions to try and copy the images and simplified the expression to get it to highlight anything and it still isn't working :(. Perhaps a call? Should I switch this to an error?

  • 6.  RE: DQ+ Dashboard Cell Highlighting with Single Point Threshold Does Not Work

    Posted 07-13-2021 07:47

    I'll create a ticket with our Support team to take a look at this. You'll have an email via the ticket shortly.