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  • 1.  Smart Vending Machines Would Like You to Offer You Ice Cream

    Posted 08-01-2019 16:56

    Smart vending machines in Indonesia would like to give you some dessert. 

    Forbes is reporting that vending machines, utilizing using machine learning recommendation engine and location intelligence are dispensing promotional products based on consumer spending habits and personal preferences. They are designed to be interactive and suggest products from CPG manufacturers that want to get in front of consumers. According to the article:

    "machines deliver personalized consumer products and experiences. OVO SmartCube is designed to evaluate customer preferences using analytics powered by a machine learning-enabled recommendation engine, which makes product suggestions. OVO SmartCube can also provide instant assessments of when and what purchases take place, in order to offer relevant deals. The overarching goal is to develop more meaningful engagement with customers...OVO SmartCube is built on Kinetica's GPU-accelerated platform to combine streaming and historical data with location intelligence and machine learning-powered analytics, and leverages CEP, which is a method of synthesizing data from multiple sources so businesses can extract meaningful patterns or trends as data streams in that trigger automatic, real-time responses."

    Indonesia is apparantly rampant with vending machines selling a variety of CPG categories such as dessert, drinks, shirts and ties and all the while promoting cash-less transactions. Now it seems they've gone "high tech" utilizing purchasing history and location analytics. 

    Joe Francica
    Boulder CO

  • 2.  RE: Smart Vending Machines Would Like You to Offer You Ice Cream

    Posted 08-16-2019 07:57
    Very interesting, Joe.  I just recently watched a video on Japan's obsession with vending machines. One in particular uses facial recognition, time of day, outside temperature and other factors to determine recommended beverage offerings for each customer.

    FFWD to minute mark 4:22 for that bit.


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    Shelton CT