Hi Nick
I'd think so yes. Applying the Bing Patch should work on any version of MapInfo Pro that supports Bing.
From the latest update I found this:
In order to take advantage of this update, you must be running MapInfo Pro 10.5.3, 11.0x, 11.5x, 12.0x, 12.5x, 15.x, 16.0.x, 17.x, or 19.x."
License-wise, you need a maintenance agreement to get access to the latest Bing Patch.
I hope this helps
Peter Horsbøll Møller
Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
Precisely | Trust in Data
Original Message:
Sent: 02-04-2022 12:37
From: Nick Letourneau
Subject: Bing requirements
Can someone tell me the requirements for Bing to work in older versions of MapInfo? I know the Bing patch must be applied annually to renew its license, however, if a user has version 12 purchased many years ago, will applying the patch today reactivate Bing for 2022?
Thank you!
Nick Letourneau
Minneapolis, MN