MapInfo Pro Developers User Group

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  • 1.  Mapinfo v16 EasyLoader

    Posted 02-19-2018 14:32

    Hi All,

    We are currently experiencing geometry issues when loading multiple tables into a PostgreSQL - PostGIS environment from within Mapinfo V16.

    Our tables which are defined in British National Grid SRID 27700 seem to be offset once loaded up into the database through Mapinfo Easyloader v16, this is not the case if only a single table is loaded and only occurs when uploading multiple TAB files.

    Using the Mapinfo Easyloader V15 to upload the same data into the same database doesn't produce such results; and all of the data is uploaded with the correct & expected geometries.

    Is anyone else experiencing similar issues when using the Mapinfo Easyloader V16?

    Kind Regards,


    Software & Driver Details

    Mapinfo V16 -> Version 16.0.2 Build 205

    Mapinfo V15 -> Version 15.0.1 Build 204

    EasyLoader v16 -> Driver Unicode(x64)

    EasyLoader v15 -> Driver PostgreSQL ANSI

  • 2.  RE: Mapinfo v16 EasyLoader

    Posted 02-21-2018 02:07

    What do you mean by "offset"?

    Has it been moved slightly, several kilometers or is the coordsys all wrong?

  • 3.  RE: Mapinfo v16 EasyLoader

    Posted 02-21-2018 05:25

    The items in all tables have been shifted in a northern direction by a few hundred kilometers. I.E. items that have been plotted in London have ended up in the Shetland Islands after being loaded up into the database.

  • 4.  RE: Mapinfo v16 EasyLoader

    Posted 02-25-2018 17:02
      |   view attached

    Hi @Patryk Janicki? 

    I would test running easyloader with the logging option enabled something like

    ?/F c:\temp\easyloader.txt

    When you run easyloader it will log all actions including the sql and projection being used this should help to pinpoint exactly whats happening.

    You may need to do this for each layer to see if there are changes to the SRID being used.

    I have included an example output from the logging so you can see if it will be useful.





    easyloaderParcelPrim.txt   4 KB 1 version

  • 5.  RE: Mapinfo v16 EasyLoader

    Posted 02-26-2018 13:20

    Hi Patryk. I'm launching a bug against MapInfoEasyLoader for this. In my test case, the uploaded PostGIS 2.1 table points are 100 km north of the original table points.

    E.g., Point (m):

    PG21: x:419,065.680, y:208,042.532

    Orig: x:419,065.680, y:108,042.532

    Both the original NativeX and the PostGIS 2.1 table report using British National Grid (1 mm accuracy) - CoordSys Earth Projection 8, 79, "m", -2, 49, 0.9996012717, 400000, -100000 Bounds (0, -100000) (2000000, 1900000)

    I also verified that using Pro to save a copy of the NativeX table to PostGIS does not cause the points to shift.

    The internal bug ID is MIPRO-97727. We will evaluate this more closely; at the moment I don't have a good estimate of resolution.




  • 6.  RE: Mapinfo v16 EasyLoader

    Posted 02-26-2018 13:31

    I didn't notice that you mentioned it only fails for you when uploading multiple tables. Can you confirm this? My test was only with a single table, and I was able to reproduce the error.

  • 7.  RE: Mapinfo v16 EasyLoader

    Posted 05-04-2018 12:39

    @Patryk Janicki?  Contrary to my posting back in February, at this point, we are unable to reproduce the error and so cannot provide a resolution for you. Uploading our test table creates the points in the same position when we compare both v17 and v1503 EasyLoader with the native source table.

    If you are still encountering the issue, please raise a ticket with support, and if possible provide the set of tables you are uploading which demonstrate the problem.

