Spectrum Spatial (SSA/LIM)

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  • 1.  SSA V2022.1 Basemap - Aerial Tile doesnt work under basemaps.

    Posted 12-11-2023 17:25

    Hello everyone, 

    I am having an issue to show aerials as my basemap. I have done all the work to publish it as a map and then I created a tile service and finally trying to add it to my basemap. The same aerials appear totally fine as a layer, but doesnt show as a basemap when selected. 

    See image below:

    Same Map as a layer

    Please advice, Am i doing anything wrong? Also I have checked the permissions and all look fine.

    Caleb Kantepudi
    Sunchine VIC

  • 2.  RE: SSA V2022.1 Basemap - Aerial Tile doesnt work under basemaps.

    Posted 01-03-2024 09:43

    Hi Caleb,

    Are any required permissions set up on the new tile layer you have created? Also, checking the Spectrum log file sometimes helps.



    Darren White
    ICT Officer
    Derbyshire County Council

  • 3.  RE: SSA V2022.1 Basemap - Aerial Tile doesnt work under basemaps.

    Posted 01-07-2024 18:04
    Edited by Duri Bradshaw 01-07-2024 18:07

    Hi Caleb,

    Is the raster and the tile in the same projection? Raster based tiles need to be in the same projection as the base data.

    If the raster is not in EPSG:3857 then you will need to manually set the tile bounds to something which is valid for the projection you are using 

    Here are some settings for GDA94 (let me know if you need GDA2020 and I will see if I can dig them up).

    MGA Zone EPSG Code Tile Bounds MinX Tile Bounds MinY Tile Bounds MaxX Tile Bounds MaxY
    MGA 49 EPSG:28349 -17355.62133 6954598.053 625417.8751 7597371.549
    MGA 50 EPSG:28350 -24521.57617 6100653.324 1704841.185 7830016.084
    MGA 51 EPSG:28351 -41096.15017 6211597.944 2241816.957 8494511.051
    MGA 52 EPSG:28352 -46998.4225 6400173.72 2368422.865 8815595.007
    MGA 53 EPSG:28353 -46998.4225 6000791.773 2767804.812 8815595.007
    MGA 54 EPSG:28354 -48045.81067 5534625.244 3299349.363 8882020.417
    MGA 55 EPSG:28355 -40867.905 5112643.474 3329926.909 8483438.288
    MGA 56 EPSG:28356 -17355.62133 5812134.53 1767881.398 7597371.549

    Duri Bradshaw
    Spatial IT Consultant
    Insight GIS

  • 4.  RE: SSA V2022.1 Basemap - Aerial Tile doesnt work under basemaps.

    Posted 01-14-2024 18:48

    Hi Duri,

    You are right, I havent set the tile bounds and thats why it didnt work. It works now after I gave the tile bound extensions.



    Caleb Kantepudi
    Asset and Spatial Information Officer (GIS) | Asset & Property Services
    Sunchine VIC