MapInfo Pro

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  • 1.  Onboard geocoder - what's it like?

    Posted 06-08-2022 05:13


    I'm a new community member keen to learn how MapInfo has come along over the past decade.

    I used to be a daily MI user, producing maps for enforcement teams within community safety partnerships across London, UK. I'm familiar with MapInfo 9.5, the old Hotspot Detective plugin and similar from that era.

    I've recently started using GIS again at work but for entirely different purposes. Now I'm into logistics and planning - how many jobs can I get done with a finite number of colleagues spread out over the UK with varying levels of attributes/skills.

    So, my initial question is this: does anyone use the inbuilt geocoding facility in MI?
    When I used MI previously the data would be geocoded separately and pulled into MI once eastings and northings had been applied. But time has passed and I was hoping the onboard capability had been improved.

    So if anyone can let me know how they geocode their data for use within MI I would be very grateful. My current dataset is about 7000 records small, all UK addresses (mainly domestic with a few commercial thrown in). The dataset will grow, but only periodically and not in huge numbers. The data is kept on an SQL database but can be lifted to an excel worksheet if required.

    Looking forward to learning from this community.



    Julian Pepper
    Knowledge Community Shared Account

  • 2.  RE: Onboard geocoder - what's it like?

    Posted 06-08-2022 06:09

    To be perfectly honest with you I find it overly complicated whenever I've tried to use it.  The benefits of address level detail and outside of UK addresses, for me, aren't worth it.  I know it's not the question you asked but you can get free postcode unit data points from Ordnance Survey, if that is accurate enough, and just geocode normally.  I have a client who loads the 1.8m points into a SQL database and does 'fuzzy' matching there (as thats where his skills lie) then just creates points within Pro.  If you have the co-ords in the DB you could always set up an ODBC connection for a 'live' view as well.



    Nick Hall
    Mapchester LTD

  • 3.  RE: Onboard geocoder - what's it like?

    Posted 06-08-2022 06:20
    Hello Nick,

    Thanks for your comments. I see what you mean, but in this instance I would rather map point data precisely, so full address-matching will be required. I have a telecon with Precisely tomorrow to discuss this and some other aspects of how the software may suit my business needs. Let's see what that brings forward.

    One thing you haven't done though is respond immediately stating it's the easiest and fastest interface out there. This is useful to know so many thanks for taking the time to write.

    Kind regards,


    Julian Pepper
    Knowledge Community Shared Account

  • 4.  RE: Onboard geocoder - what's it like?

    Posted 06-09-2022 13:10
    Hi Julian
    Addresses aren't easy to begin with. If your data is well structured and fairly complete, then that is what will make your task a lot easier. The online geocoder is certainly fast and decent results to full address location.

    John Ievers
    CDR Group
    Hope Valley, United Kingdom

  • 5.  RE: Onboard geocoder - what's it like?

    Posted 06-10-2022 03:41
    Hi Julian

    There is a bit more detail on how to use the geocoder inside MapInfo Pro in this thread: Geocoding in MapInfo Pro v17.

    It was added/improved with v17 so the document is from that time too. Please ignore the old branding :-)

    Peter Horsbøll Møller
    Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
    Precisely | Trust in Data

  • 6.  RE: Onboard geocoder - what's it like?

    Posted 06-10-2022 08:51

    Thank you peter.


    Julian Pepper
    Knowledge Community Shared Account