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  • 1.  Error on installation Spectrum Spatial Analyst

    Posted 12-08-2023 06:01

    I hope I am posting at the right place. I have an Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS VM and managed to downloaded and install the Spectrum Server. I have issues when trying to install the Spatial Analyst SSA202310F010101_Linux.zip. I have the Java java-11-openjdk-amd64 installed, and added to the $PATH, as advised, but there seems to be an issue at locating the main class during installation. 

    beer@vm-e8bf5ea7:~/spectrum/analyst$ chmod +x Analyst.bin
    beer@vm-e8bf5ea7:~/spectrum/analyst$ ./Analyst.bin -i console
    Preparing to install
    Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
    Configuring the installer for this system's environment...

    Launching installer...

    Error: Could not find or load main class com.zerog.lax.LAX
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.zerog.lax.LAX

    Might anyone have an idea what could be the issue here?

    Carla de Beer
    Knowledge Community Shared Account

  • 2.  RE: Error on installation Spectrum Spatial Analyst

    Posted 12-08-2023 06:33

    Hi Carla,

    I have opened a support ticket to look more into the issue. Our team will be contacting you regarding this.


    Madhura S
    Precisely Software Inc.