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Controls v9.6 - Release Announcement - ACR

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  • 1.  Controls v9.6 - Release Announcement - ACR

    Posted 01-13-2023 14:35
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    Version 9.6


    Version 9.6 for the ACR is now available for download via Precisely Data Experience.


    The v9.6 comprises of enhancements and modifications included in ACR/Summary®, ACR/Detail®, and ACR/Instream. The Release Notes lists migration concerns, maintenance fixes that may affect your rules if you upgrade from a previous release and known issues.  

    Some of the enhancements included in this release include:

    • Compiler Upgrades

    In this release, the compiler used by ACR products on Windows and Unix/Linux platforms has been updated to use Visual COBOL 6, the newer release from Micro Focus. The compiler used for ACR products on z/OS has been updated to use Cobol version 6.2.


    You could find the release files, as below:

    1. Please go to
    2. Click on "My Software Products"
    3. Click on "ACR"
    4. In the Releases, please click on "9.6.0"
    5. You would then be able to find all the v9.6 release related files