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EngageOne Compose 4.4 SP11 , including Designer 6.6 SP11 now available

  • 1.  EngageOne Compose 4.4 SP11 , including Designer 6.6 SP11 now available

    Posted 08-03-2021 12:43
    The latest release of EngageOne Compose 4.4 SP11 , including Designer 6.6 SP11 is now available.

    This includes new releases of the following products :

    • EngageOne Server 4.4 SP11 []
    • EngageOne Interactive Editor (ActiveX & Desktop App Cross-Browser) 6.6 SP11 []
    • EngageOne Designer 6.6 SP11 []
    • EngageOne Generate 6.6 SP11 []
    • EngageOne Content Author 6.6 SP11 []
    • EngageOne Key Map Generator 6.6 SP11 []

    These releases are available to download from the e-Store.
    - Please request a download link from Precisely customer support.

    A Full list of New features and cumulative issue fixes for each product can be found in each Product's release notes available on the Precisely support site.

    New in this EngageOne Server Release

    Mobile delivery - Integration with EngageOne Communicate
    From this release, you can import templates from EngageOne Communicate which will typically be
    processed using the NA-Batch feature to generate responsive HTML email content for onward
    delivery via EngageOne Deliver.  
    Refer to the individual ;
    EngageOne Administration Guide
    EngageOne Compose / Communicate Integration 
    ..guides for detailed information on configuring and using this feature.

    Asset Promotion import/export folder assignments
    Two new deploy.properties settings are implemented to define the import and export folders used for the Asset Promotion feature.
    Refer to EngageOne Server release notes
    ..for details, requirements and limitations.

    OpenAM Redirect Installation requirement
    EngageOne Server install requires the deploy.properties setting security.valid.goto.resources to be configured.
    This property must contain at least one valid
    URL, which is used for OpenAM redirects
    Refer to EngageOne Server release notes for standalone and clustered examples.

    Log collection tool feature
    EngageOne Server 4.4.11 introduces the Log Collector tool, which collects log files from every
    bundle of a particular EO Compose node; when all files are collected, the Log Collector zips them
    into a single file, this file is copied to active-drive\logCollector.
    Refer to the Log collector section within
    EngageOne Server Installation Guide for detailed information.

    AWS global authentication
    A new deploy.properties setting, cloud.api.authenticate.url is implemented to cater for AWS's global authentication model.
    This must always be set to:


    Refer to the Cloud integration section in
    EngageOne Server Configuration Checklist 

    for detailed information.

    New in this EngageOne Designer Release

    EngageOne Designer Mobile design features
    From this release, you can share content with EngageOne Communicate for campaigns using mobile templates.
    You can use the Tag block for communicate ontent in the Designer editor to be published in your EngageOne Communicate communication.

    It is important to note that:
    • You must have an EngageOne Communicate account in place. Contact your support team for
    details on account registration.
    • You use the Connections feature to allow for integration between Designer and Communicate.

    For detailed information, refer to the Publishing content for EngageOne Communicate chapter
    in ;
    EngageOne Designer Users Guide.
    EngageOne Compose / Communicate Integration 

    ..guides for detailed information on configuring and using this feature.

    EngageOne Designer Installation prerequisite updates
    This release introduces new versions of the following prerequisite Microsoft components , both requiring a reboot

    Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2015 – 2019

    Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Full
    This Microsoft component requires a reboot that will trigger Microsoft's .NET optimization process
    following the reboot, which can take several minutes.

    Please be patient while the .NET Optimization process (visible in the High CPU activity in Task
    Manager) completes and then resumes the Designer installation when prompted.

    • Note that both these Microsoft component update triggers any pending Windows updates installation,
    which then involves further reboots. As a result, this will remove the Resume part of the Designer
    • We recommend installing any pending Windows Updates before starting the Designer installation
    process to ensure a seamless Resume on reboot experience and to speed up the installation.

    Designer installation

    This release introduces the following Designer installers :
    • setup-designer-server.exe
    • setup-designer-client.exe

    The installers are located in the release media's \install root folder which replaces previous releases setup.hta and directory structure.

    Points to note:

    • A silent install can now be performed.
    • Designer applications and dynamic link libraries are digitally signed to ensure the release material
    is authentic and has not been tampered with.

    For full details refer to ;
    EngageOne Designer Release Notes
    EngageOne Designer Installation and Configuration Guide 

    EngageOne Designer Distributed deployment - Backup/Restore
    From this release, you can run backup and restore tasks using Repository Configuration Tool from the application server in a distributed deployment setting. as long there is a working connection with the SQL server machine.

    EngageOne Designer / Generate QR Code updates
    Designer QR Code Barcode validation update
    The Designer editor now includes the following new message:
    The maximum supported value length of 1024 characters has been exceeded
    for a barcode (type - %s, label - %s)
    Swiss QR Code barcode
    This release adds support in Designer and Generate for the Swiss QR Code barcode type as a
    Line Drawing barcode for all supported Line Drawing barcode Generate outputs.

    EngageOne Designer - Design Editor Tumble layout
    This release adds support for the Design logic map Action dialog to change the Generate output
    layout to Tumble mode, in addition to the existing Simplex or Duplex layouts.
    Note: This feature requires supported Simplex / Duplex / Tumble Device layouts to be set to
    the highest available Duplex/Tumble Layout setting in order for the Design logic Action
    change to take effect.
    For example – Set AFPDS device initial Layout setting to Double sided

    tumble if switching between Action -> Simplex / Duplex and Tumble is required in the logic.

    Note: Actions that change to Duplex or Tumble mode will only be applied to the output
    datastream when supported by the Output Device.

    EngageOne Designer Plug-in chart enhancements

    • A new Center option has been added to the plug-in chart X Axis, Axis Position setting.
    If selected,
    the X-axis line is drawn through the Y-axis 0 point regardless if negative data is present in the

    • A new Label Zones option has been added to the plug-in Bar chart configuration settings to control
    custom aggregate label presentation on stacked and overlay type bar charts.
    Refer to EngageOne Designer Release Notes for full details and configuration.

    EngageOne Designer Advanced Search support

    From this release, the Advanced Search feature now runs under Elasticsearch 7.10.1.
    Note: When upgrading EngageOne Designer from versions prior to EngageOne Designer 6.6.11 , you must uninstall the
    previous version Advanced Search services - before -  the 6.6.11 versions are installed.
    The Designer
    repository must then be re-indexed using the IndexerTool.exe utility as detailed in
    EngageOne Designer
    Installation and Configuration Guide .

    EngageOne Designer Publish SFTP support
    From this release, you can use the Designer Publish SFTP option for deploying HIP files to your designated host machine.
    This transfer protocol allows for encrypted file transfer using the Windows OpenSSH component.
    To use this feature, you require OpenSSH version 7.6 or greater. Refer to the 'Creating a host object'
    section in the Designer Users Guide for details.

    New in this EngageOne Generate Release

    Generate Merged paragraph output
    Generate will no longer honor the Design Merged Paragraph feature where the second paragraph
    is separated from the first by a system variable in the design logic map. This change ensures that
    the correct system variable value is produced.

    Minimum JRE 8 requirement for plug in charts on AIX and Solaris

    The minimum JRE version required for Generate plug in charts composition on AIX and Solaris has
    changed from 1.5 to 1.8.

    Added Generate host operating system levels
    Generate has been certified on the following additional host operating system levels ;
    • Z/OS 2.4
    • RHEL / CentOS Linux (x64) 8.2+
    • Amazon Linux release 2
    • Oracle Solaris 11.1+ on SPARC

    Windows Generate Digital signature
    Windows 64 Bit Generate programs have been digitally signed to allow Generate programs to execute
    with a trusted digital signature from a recognized provider.

    SHA256 Generate Checksums
    Each Generate release media zip/tar file is accompanied by a matching .sha256sum file to allow
    independent verification that the release media zip/tar file has not been altered.

    PCE AFP NOP support
    The PCE =NOP CE command can be used to Insert a NOP Comment into PCE AFP output.
    Refer to the EngageOne Generate Production Guide for syntax and details.

    Generate Server mode optional port auto-allocation
    Generate Server mode will optionally request the operating system to auto-allocate a port number if either socket:0 or port:0 are specified.
    In addition, Generate will report the Socket allocated
    via GEN0864I information message to allow requests to be submitted to the relevant port.

    EngageOne Generate - Resource Processing - DOC1RPU - Optional AFP image Begin / End Page Segment wrapper
    AFP Color - FS45 - images extracted from Designer Published resources and deployed to an AFP Image resource library for AFP output using non embedded resources, require the following new DOC1RPU OPS setting to wrap the Designer published images in the necessary AFP Begin / End
    Page segment structure ;

    UsePageSegment = TRUE ; Values TRUE | FALSE , Default FALSE

    Generate on Z/OS - Line drawing QR Code barcode support for Postscript output
    Generate Postscript output on Z/OS now supports Line drawing QR Code barcodes.

    Generate error reporting improvements for image names and font subset failures.
    Generate now reports;

    • Design image name when images cannot be found in the run-time resources.
    • Meaningful reasons for PDF / Postscript font subset failures, allowing users to diagnose and fix
    the subset failures.

    Compatibility with earlier versions

    EngageOne Designer and Content Author compatibility with EngageOne Server and Generate
    Previous EngageOne Designer and Content Author 6.x release versions published for EngageOne Server or Generate are compatible with Server 4.4.11 and Generate 6.6.11 respectively.

    EngageOne Interactive Editor - ActiveX and Desktop App -  compatibility with EngageOne Server 
    No Previous EngageOne Interactive Editor - ActiveX or Desktop App -  6.x release versions are compatible with Server 4.4.11.
    Interactive Editor
    - ActiveX or Desktop App - 6.6.11 versions must be installed for Interactive communications in EngageOne Server 4.4.11.

    EngageOne Designer - Configuration settings migration 
    All EngageOne Designer versions prior to 6.6.11 must be uninstalled prior to installing 6.6.11.
    Consequently the Configuration files required for ;
    - Secure Designer communication
    - Single Sign on
    - Multiple Designer sessions on same environment - "Citrix" mode
    .. must be backed up prior to uninstalling pre 6.6.11 versions and restored after 6.6.11 is installed .

    Refer to the EngageOne Designer Single Sign On guide for details of these files.

    EngageOne Key Map Generator - Configuration settings migration 
    EngageOne Key Map Generator configuration settings location has changed in this release.
    Ensure that this is backed up and restored to migrate the existing configuration settings.
    Refer to EngageOne Server release notes for details.

    EngageOne Generate and Key Map Generator language withdrawals

    The following EngageOne Generate Message languages and Key Map Generator languages are withdrawn ;

    - Chinese Simplified
    - Japanese
    - Korean
    - Portuguese Brazilian
    - Russian

    Generate message languages and Key Map Generator installations will appear in English on these Windows languages.

    EngageOne Server Solr integration
    From this release Apache Solr is no longer integrated in EngageOne Server.

    EngageOne Designer Support for JBIG format images
    From this release, support for the importation of JBIG format (.jbig, .jbg, .bie) images has been
    removed. Any images already imported will not be affected, but you cannot import further images of
    this type.

    EngageOne Designer support for AFP Overlay + Xerox Form import
    In this release, support for the import of AFP Overlays and Xerox Metacode Forms is no longer available.
    You can use the snapshot feature in an earlier version of Designer to export the required
    The snapshot can then be imported to any Service Pack 11 and onwards version of

    EngageOne Designer Standalone install
    The EngageOne Designer Standalone installation option - the combined Server and Client installation,  has been
    removed. Use the individual Server and Client installers if this is required.

    End of support

    EngageOne Generate Post Composition Engine - DOC1PCE
    From this release, support for PCE is withdrawn.
    Although you may continue to use PCE installed with EngageOne Generate release distributions, support, including fixes, will no longer be available.
    EngageOne Enrichment is the recommended replacement for PCE.
    Refer to  EngageOne PCE to Enrichment Migration Guide

    Paul Barron
    Principal QA
    EngageOne Compose (Designer / Generate)