Spectrum Spatial (SSA/LIM)

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  • 1.  Problems with feature editing

    Posted 05-05-2020 05:08

    I have two questions about feature editing in SSA:

    1) Is feature editing template showDisabled tag working only with primary key field? In the example in administration guide, this tag is also used with some other field, but for me, it's not changing anything if I use it like that:
    	<name>friendly name</name>                                               

    Therefore, is it possible to show not primary key column read only with feature editing template?

    2) Is SSA using 2-byte integer? When inserting integer value which is bigger than 10, there will be some random negative number saved in PostgreSQL database. The same issue was pointed out in this discussion as well, but unfortunately, the answer didn't say anything about this issue.


    Ott Koik
    Ruumab OÛ

  • 2.  RE: Problems with feature editing

    Posted 05-07-2020 10:57
    Hi Ott,

    I am able to reproduce both of these scenarios. Though I need to get more information about the second issue from the engineering, the first one is clearly not working as expected. 

    May I request you to submit a tech support case for the first one.


    Vishwas Gupta
    Pitney Bowes Software India Pvt. Lt

  • 3.  RE: Problems with feature editing

    Posted 05-07-2020 11:27
    Hi and thank you for your answer.

    I'll send the first issue to technical support as requested.


    Ott Koik
    Ruumab OÛ

  • 4.  RE: Problems with feature editing

    Posted 05-08-2020 09:13
    Hi Ott,

    The second issue related to inserting an integer value larger than 32767 has also been identified as a bug. We will fix it in the upcoming release. 

    Thank you,

    Vishwas Gupta
    Pitney Bowes Software India Pvt. Lt

  • 5.  RE: Problems with feature editing

    Posted 05-24-2020 22:10
    Hi Ott,

    Number 1 - has been an issue for awhile. A work around I use is to put the field you don't want edited but need to display as a PickList without any options.

    					<name>Existing Condition</name>
    Have not come across the part 2 of your question before as have not needed to create any fields with large integer values, but I will store that one away for future reference when things go pear shaped. Thanks.

    William Dean
    Cairns Regional Council

  • 6.  RE: Problems with feature editing

    Posted 05-27-2020 11:20

    That's a good idea with feature editing template. Thank you for that. As both of those issues as identified as bugs, hopefully they will be fixed in the future.

    Ott Koik
    Ruumab OÛ

  • 7.  RE: Problems with feature editing

    Posted 05-25-2022 21:53
    Edited by William Dean 05-25-2022 21:54
    Just an update to the solution posted above.

    At some point an update seems to have broken that workaround, failing to add at least an empty <option></option> between the <picklist></picklist> now results in a browser error;

    In the browser for the end user there is no warning or notification, on attempt to add a new record the correct menu items appear, however the map can't be clicked on and the edit panel breaks leaving users to refresh the browser to restore functionality.
    If they are only editing existing records then there is no error.

    William Dean
    Cairns Regional Council
    Cairns QLD