MapInfo Pro

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  • 1.  Layout scalebar - editable text and shifting position

    Posted 04-20-2022 07:46
    I'm using v2021.1 and have two issues with the Layout Scalebar:  

    Are there any plans to make the text in the Layout Scalebar editable, so, for example, "kilometers" can be changed to British English spelling and with capital letter (Kilometres)?  

    Also - I have the same problem as a few others I've seen in posts here, in that the Layout Scalebar shifts from the bottom-right position I drag it to in the activated layout window to a position further left and higher.  Sometimes it stays there, but rarely, even if I haven't subsequently amended the activated map.  And often now, since v2021.1, it shifts higher and left even during the process of PDF printing - so it looks OK, but during printing it shifts.
    Is there an easy fix to this?  Is any fix being planned?


    Jane Mason
    Biological Records Officer (GIS), Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service, UK

  • 2.  RE: Layout scalebar - editable text and shifting position

    Posted 04-20-2022 19:22
    Hi Jane,

    When you create the scale bar or double click to edit, you should be presented with the tool box below and an 'edit' icon next to the scale units. Selecting that allows you to edit the unit name as required.

    Quick additional note, my scale bar as you can see in the first pic defaults to the 'kilometres' spelling, additionally where ever there are menu options with US/UK spelling alternatives mine are all UK. I can't find where that can be configured in MapInfo so it is possibly reading the regional settings configured in Windows, but I'll let one of the more experienced users fill that in.

    William Dean
    Cairns Regional Council
    Cairns QLD

  • 3.  RE: Layout scalebar - editable text and shifting position

    Posted 04-21-2022 09:48
    Hi, thank you William - your reply prompted me to go and hunt a bit in MapInfo as your scalebar tool was obviously different from the one I was using.  I had been activating the map window in the Layout, then going Add to Map > Scalebar, which brings up a Create Adornment box where the text can't be edited.  However, I see that the Scalebar tool under the Layout tab is much better and can just be added without activating the Layout map window.  And even though it looks as if it sits in a white box, when printed to PDF it doesn't - just what I want!

    So, many thanks for your help!


    Jane Mason
    Biological Records Officer (GIS), Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service, UK

  • 4.  RE: Layout scalebar - editable text and shifting position

    Posted 04-21-2022 10:05
    Hi Jane and William

    The Language is set at the install stage to English/UK rather than English/US

    John Ievers
    CDR Group
    Hope Valley, United Kingdom