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  • 1.  Winshuttle script - Add New Group not saving with 2 line entries

    Posted 11-18-2024 04:25
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    Requesting help as when entering 2 lines in the Condition record the system shows it being created and after saving and reopening the script the second group line is lost.

    I have tried reversing the group entries but this does not solve it.

    I have attached screen shots for reference.

    Please advise how to resolve this.

    Martin Axon
    Master Data Specialist
    Thermo Fisher Scientific (UK)

  • 2.  RE: Winshuttle script - Add New Group not saving with 2 line entries

    Posted 11-21-2024 12:29

    HI Martin

    Please provide more details of which tcode and area you are trying to automate.  Also please provide the script, template (scrub data as needed) and a screenshot of what you are trying to accomplish.  That will help us help you better.

    Best Regards,


    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.

  • 3.  RE: Winshuttle script - Add New Group not saving with 2 line entries

    Posted 11-26-2024 09:55

    Hello Sigrid,

    Sorry for the delay in coming back to you and thank you for responding.

    I am using transaction MM02 while using the script to extend material master data to additional sales orgs. A requirement of this is to populate the Tax data which sometimes provides the additional Tax screen when more than 2 tax countries require populating. We have used these scripts for a number of years however recently we came across the issue in that the script overwrote the entries already populated and not populating just the missing required entries. 

    We tell the script how many line items of tax to be expected as we need to default one entry with a different value also. 

    The issue I have is that I can add a 2 line Group requirement but on saving the second line is not saved but deleted in the script. I enclose screen shots which I hope show the issue I am facing. Happy to have a discussion if you are able to assist.

    Thank you

    Martin Axon
    Master Data Specialist
    Thermo Fisher Scientific (UK)

  • 4.  RE: Winshuttle script - Add New Group not saving with 2 line entries

    Posted 11-26-2024 13:16
    Edited by Sigrid Kok 11-26-2024 13:17

    Hi Martin

    Thanks for sharing the script and template and doc.  Now it makes sense what you mean by other group.  What release are you on, please? 

    If not on v11 or above, I found the same thing, but this script was still pre-v11, i.e. v8 or v10.x.  If I save as the new release, then I can add a condition and it persists.

    and I use the + to add a condition - note I swapped the order below but that shouldn't matter.

    The Add Group is if you want to add a separate set of conditions like: if AJ > 3 AND (taxclass(04) is not blank or C = 1000) - think parenthesis for add group.

    Please note I'm on version 24.1, so your version results may differ. If you are on v10, please consider upgrading.  If on v11 or higher, please do the save as new release and try again.  If it still doesn't persist, please open a support ticket so that they can run a trace and see what is going on.

    Best Regards,


    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.