Precisely is pleased to announce the winners of the inaugural Data Integrity Awards! Congratulations to BMW Group, Chamberlain Group, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Generali Real Estate, and NZ Super Fund on their excellence in data integrity through innovation and demonstrated results.
Read the full story here: Precisely Celebrates Customer Achievements with Precisely Data Integrity Awards - Precisely
"Precisely the global leader in data integrity, today announced the winners of the inaugural Precisely Data Integrity Awards at Trust '24, the company's annual Data Integrity Summit. The award ceremony took place at Drexel University's LeBow College of Business in Philadelphia on October 8, with recipients from around the world recognized for their outstanding achievements in AI Impact, Business Impact, and Societal Impact categories, using Precisely software, data, and services.
The Data Integrity Awards recognize Precisely customers who have achieved excellence in data integrity through innovative use cases and demonstrated results..."
David Lee
Customer Program Manager