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  • 1.  Use of TileServer in MapXtreme

    Posted 21 days ago

    Dear Support,

     In the WinForms application I'm using WMTS and LevelRowColumn style services without creating .tab files.

    I use TableInfoTileServer and WmtsClient to configure the connection to the map services.

    It works for raster tiles in PNG or JPEG format. 

    1. My question is how to use it to render vector tiles in MVT(MapBox vector tiles) or PBF (Open MapTiles format)?

    2. When I tried to access OpenStreetMap the requests to download tiles were blocked. What I think is because of missing HTTP User-Agent header which is required as stated here: Is it possible to controll setting HTTP headers in any way (it looks like the tiles are downloaded automatically by some internal component to which I have no access).

    3. Is there a way to preserve locally cached tiles to be reused between different application runs?

    4. Does MapXtreme support MBTiles or PMTiles for either reading it directly in the client application or serving in TileServer/IIS?

    5. Alhough the tiles are downloaded by a separate thread in the background I feel that the map if waiting for all the tiles to be retireved while rendering layers. It causes visual application freeze whenever the map is zoomed or moved. Can it be avoided?

    Kind regards,

    Piotr Kaminski

    Piotr Kaminski
    ISR Engineer
    NCI Agency
    Den Haag

  • 2.  RE: Use of TileServer in MapXtreme

    Posted 17 days ago

    Hi Piotr,

    "MapXtreme provides the ability to deploy an XYZ Vector Tile Server. It supports the Mapbox vector tile (MVT) format for tile generation.

    Unfortunately, MapXtreme can only act as a Vector Tile Server. It does not act as a Vector Tile client. This means that it can publish your data in the Vector Tile format for other clients to consume but it can't consume Vector Tile from other servers.

    Peter Horsbøll Møller
    Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
    Precisely | Trust in Data

  • 3.  RE: Use of TileServer in MapXtreme

    Posted 16 days ago

    Dear Peter,

    It is really unfortunate. I would expect rather support for consuming vector tiles than for producing them. This seems to be more usefull for client applications.

    Are there any plans to support vector tiles in the future releases?

    Could you please answer my other questions from the original post?

    Kind regards,

    Piotr Kaminski

    Piotr Kaminski
    ISR Engineer
    NCI Agency
    Den Haag