Hi Automate Community!
I have a quick tip when creating Query scripts. After you've selected the tables and fields and setup the criteria (what you're filtering by), I recommend using the preview run to ensure what you created will give you the output data you need. From the Workspace, Criteria, or Map tab, click "Preview Run" in the ribbon or click the Run Time tab below the ribbon. Once you're on the Run Time tab, you can do a preview run of the query:
From this tab, you will see the criteria you've setup for the Query script, so enter any values if needed, and click the "Preview Run" button:
After clicking "Preview Run" you will see the results in the Data Preview tab at the bottom. Please note that the preview run will only show the first 100 records. This will allow you to verify that you're getting the output data you need. If you need to verify based on the number of results, click "Number of Entries" instead. After you have confirmed the output data is what you need, move on to the Map tab.
Here is a short demo video of Query.
Here is the documentation for Query.
Maria Ebner
Precisely Software Inc.